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Look At ME!

Hello. My name is Fluffy. I am sweet and quiet and long suffering. I know my mommy loves me just as much as she loves the Queen of All-Things Nauseating, but sometimes I still feel a little left out. I don’t push myself into mommy’s lap or insist she pet me. I don’t drag mommy’s dirty clothes out of the laundry to lay on. I don’t steal things from mommy’s purse and I have never stolen food from her plate when she wasn’t looking. The QoATN has done all of those things and more, and because of them she gets much more attention than I do. However, this morning when mommy asked us to be still for a picture I was, and the QoATN leapt about like a kitten. That is why I am here and she is not. Sometimes life is fair.

Hey, Chrissy, neener, neener, neener!

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Fluffy is a pretty cat. Stop by my blog for my cats and you can read about Haimish and Alexander and also about Rosy and Barney who lived with me. You can find their blog on my main blog, look for the links to my blogs that are worth a visit.

  2. Hi Charlene, well you did say we were going to see a lot of fluff, now you got your new ‘nanny’ cam.
    Saturday now! – hope you are having a glorious weekend!

  3. Q — by the time the camera was up and working with batteries charged, it was 117* and nothing left in air-conditioning to snap but furry babies —

    Fluffy is the most mild mannered, gentle cat I have ever known. If his food and water dish are full and he gets an occassional pat on the head — and the coffee table doesn’t have too much junk on it — all is well in his world.

  4. If only ‘we’ humans, could be as easily contented. So it’s still hot out there, we have a pleasing breese, keeps the leaves dancing on the trees, the air cool, and yet the sun has been shining bright for the best part of 10 hours. If was hotter at 10 this morning than it is now at 3.15 in the afternoon. laters …

  5. Ricky says to tell Fluffy that he identifies with him…but right now he’s sacked out on the kitchen counter, where he alone is privileged to be. “Take that, Brady!”

  6. Cindy, Fluffy’s retreat is also high places because crippled Chrissy can’t get to them. Last night however he went to extremes. I came out this morning and found my shiny glass “teacher’s apple” and the only picture I have of my grandmother on the floor. Fluffy had removed them from the entertainment center to make room for his kingliness to stretch out. He is so lucky the carnival glass only teetered on the edge and did not fall.
    (Of course now it will not fall because I’ve put it away. Note to self: get display case with glass doors.)

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