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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. barely the beginning, eh? Do tell.

    Earworm: Somebody’s gotta be the grownup around here. You remind me of the old rabbi who, after a particularly hard week, went to prayer and said,

    God, I thank you that we are your chosen people. But do you think, just this once, that you could go choose somebody else??


  2. I am glad you are back and hope that during intermission you were able to get some rest.

    I agree with o ceallaigh, I want the entire story….details details details, we want ALL the details.

  3. OC — I used a similar line is a sermon I gave about Moses. It was pretty much a stand-up comedy and had the congregation rolling in the aisles.

    Jan — if you want the rest of the story just click the link! It’s there, I promise.

  4. Chana — satisfy that curiosity. I don’t want to be responsible for your demise!

    Brian — didn’t I? And that wasn’t the only time those kids embaressed me. (Yes, I know I spelled that wrong, but the pun wouldn’t have worked otherwise, okay, Jackie?)

  5. O I had read the post on the other blog, I thought you had ment that “that” was only the beginning. I should know better than to post a comment while still half asleep!

  6. Those teen years were full of interesting times for me too!

    Don’t forget this Wednesday November 22nd is “Roasting Dr. John night!” Simply write a blog in his honor sharing stories true and untrue and all in good humor. Have fun and hope to see you Wednesday night!

  7. OC — I didn’t catch that pun while I was at work. Nicely done.

    Jan — sorry!

    Jackie — I work at it.

    Margaret — but I don’t talk on Wednesdays!

    DonnaK — where have you been!

  8. Oh my. I’ll follow the link, but you have to love the irony of an introduction touted as laughing pleasure fodder followed by a stick in the eye.

    And congrats for landing your humerous self in the caption contest winners circle again, my friend! 🙂

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