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Firey Lesson

It is time once again for a trek into my past:

Grownups lie to children. They tell them about the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy. They tell them about leprechauns, happily-ever-after, and wishing on falling stars. They also tell them wet matches won’t strike. Then the kid burns down the house and everybody is upset.

For the remainder of your weekend, I leave with with proof that The Grownups Wanted Us Dead.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Lies or temporary illusions? I was really upset when an uncaring person stole my child’s dream of gift giving presences by all those you mentioned To correct you i must say they in fact do exist in the heart of every cincerned adult. I belive you are guilty of being Mrs Claus and the Easter bunny and a Wee leprechan. What do you think about that one!!! Love from New england 🙂

  2. Pauline — there is someone I give a hard time everytime he exercises his poetic license. Now you are razzing me. I hope it brings him a chuckle.

    Btw, I still believe in Santa — and fear the Tooth Fairy. (I’ll keep my teeth, thanks.)

  3. Dr. John — we didn’t really lie. He asked us if we set the fire. Not if we were playing with fire. To me that meant he wanted to know if we did it on purpose, and we did not! And afterward, Kathy and I just felt too guilty to play together (but not guilty enough to confess). We tried, but together we were no longer carefree. At 6 — heck at any age — guilt is a drag.

  4. Dave — apparently they all weren”t wet.

    Kat — nope — had the grownups never told us that wet matches were safe to play with, it wouldn’t have happened. Clearly their fault.

  5. Gattima — welcome! You know, I think this just may have been the beginning — although there was another incident at a younger age …

    You know what? I think we have to learn to tell the truth. Self-preservation comes naturally, and that’s usually the motivation for children’s lies.

  6. Hi Quill

    Have read your latest post and have left a comment. I will not replicate it here.

    Just wanted to stop here and say I’ve put a quiz up on the blog to test your memory of television from the 1960’s. I needed to look some of it up on the internet while I was making up the questions.

    Enjoy your Sunday – hope you are feeling better.

  7. Great story. Well, not for the garage…

    We were never told not to play with matches. We were told not to play with lighters. And I think that was mostly because the grownups didn’t want us to smoke. Do as I say, not as I do. So because matches were never off limits, we played with them. One day, all the neighborhood kids got together and one of them brought out some matches. We stood in the middle of the street lighting them until Shawn, the boy that liked me, started throwing them at my bare feet. Nothing burned down and nobody required hospitalization, so the grownups never knew. None of us were about to tell them. Last time I saw Shawn, he was 15 and wanted to drive me around the neighborhood to celebrate getting out of juvie. He stopped insisting when he found out I was only 11 and that he would go back to juvie if he actually got me to go with him.

    In other words, our grownups never wanted us dead because they figured we’d take care of the job on our own. 😀

  8. Bill — I took your quiz. Betcha I got all but one answer correct — and that one I just didn’t know!

    Brig — I’m glad your toes weren’t roasted. Nobody told us not to play with lighters. When I was a kid “lighters” were the old Zippos, and it took coordination and three hands to light them. Every house had a wood stove, so matches were easy to come by.

    And, of course you are right, we were more than capable of killing ourselves. but the grownups often tried to help. My elementary school was built on the edge of a cliff.

  9. Hi Quill,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. You are right, I should have left you a comment and let you know.

    I found you “accidently” as well (through Lorna at stf). From the first post I read I was taken in by your honesty and clear, creative way of telling your story. I think I have a lot to learn from you and your lessons.

    I look forward to reading more – although I’d best finish up my homework for tomorrow first. 🙂

    Have a great evening.

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