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Do unto others ….

This is what I teach my students:

If you hit someone, you have told them that violence is acceptable. Don’t be surprised when they strike you back.

If you insult someone, you have told them that disrespect is acceptable. Don’t be surprised when you get called names.

When you steal from someone, you have given them permission to steal, too. Don’t be surprised when they steal from you.

When you threaten someone, you have told them that bullying is acceptable. Don’t be surprised when they try extortion on you.

When you ignore someone, you have shown them that they are beneath your notice or concern. Don’t be surprised when the pay no attention to you.

When you smile at someone, you have shown them you value them. Don’t be surprised when they smile, too.

When you praise someone, you have told them you appreciate them. Don’t be surprised when they share their appreciation for you.

When you share with someone, you have shown them the value of selflessness. Don’t be surprised when they share as well.

When you defend someone, you have shown them the value of corporate caring. Don’t be surprised when they stand to defend others.

When you give someone your time, you have shown them that they are valued and important. Don’t be surprised if they value and honor you.

Oh, and one more thing — just because someone hits you, insults you, ignores you or steals from you, doesn’t mean you have to respond the same way. Instead offer them kindness, and see if you can’t teach them the better way.

Be a leader for peace.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Quilly…..Each one of your ideas would make a good subject for a short meditation minute. Dona nobis pacem to you also!………..Judy

    P.S. ….two days to go, and Friday shouldn’t count.

  2. If we all wish each other peace, maybe someday there will be no more war, misery, and unkindness. Peace to you…pass it on.

  3. we shouldnæt just wish it, we should act accordingly. Soemtimes it is so hard though, and especially when a child, your impulse is so hard to control.
    It is in Human nature to bite when poked, to flash your teeth when threatened…overriding those impusle reflexes takes a very strong human.
    hell, it´s tough for us grown ups…
    but if we see teh bigger picture it surely is worth the effort!

  4. Melli — may the peace that passes all understanding be yours today and forever.

    Theresa — that is my prayer

    Penguin — yes, because if we believe it and we live it, we will be teaching others through our actions and reactions.

  5. It would be great if we all were able to remember these thoughts on a daily basis and especially with those closest to us.

  6. Nessa — it would be, but we are human. That’s why we also need to practice humility and be able to sincerely apologize.

    If you are forgiving of others, don’t be surprised when they are forgiving of you.

  7. Rhea — most kids aren’t peaceful by nature. I am a classroom teacher and I’ve noted over the years that while they are usually quick to forgive, they are just as quick to anger. However, teaching them how to think about and care for others is most easily done when they are young.

  8. great teaching.
    everybody should remember these thoughts and act according to them.

  9. Quilly…It’s Thursday. Right about NOW we are all thinking of you and the ceremony. You should be able to feel the good wishes for the next five or six hours. (because of the different time zones:) I can’t wait to hear about it tomorrow………….Judy

  10. Polona — everybody includes me. Sometimes I fail to practice what I preach.

    Judy — You posted this right about the time the ceremony ended the crying started in earnest. The kids figured out that it was over and it was time to leave — forever.

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