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All In Stitches

I’ve been busy making Christmas presents for my teaching team mates. These are one-of-a-kind, handmade lanyards. Each has a watch on it. The watch is up side down, so that when the wearer looks down, the time is right-side-up! I hope they are well received.

The gold one has “antiqued gold”butterfly beads on it. The tapestry one speaks for itself! The lace one is actually multicolored, but the pastels washed out in the flash.

The braid on the first one is rainbow hued because this is the rainbow state. The hearts and stars on the second one were supposed to be a package of burgandy buttons purchased for OC’s shirt, but when they arrived in the mail I realized there had been some confusion about the order, and for some reason OC didn’t want these buttons on his shirt. The third one is for Ms. Jewl, who loves the color green and honu (sea turtles). She also said today that she wished she had a watch! The final one is for a lady who truly sparkles. The metalic braid shines gold, blue and purple, but the flash washed it out.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I think those are great gifts. I’m sure everyone will love them. You are so talented.

    LOL @for some reason OC didn’t want these buttons on his shirt. I can’t imagine why not. Some people are just so narrow-minded, huh?

  2. Brooke — don’t you have a sewing machine?

    Doug — I have many talents. None of them are finely honed.

    Brian — thank you.

    Melli — your prediction proved true. Ms. Jewl especially was overjoyed.

    Nessa — like me. 😉

    Polona — thanks. The camera makes me look a bit more polished then I am.

    OC — I know what you want our friends to infer from your comment, but I bet I could change everyones perspective just by mentioning the only hats I ever wear are yours.

    Cooper — mostly the other blogs are mine. Keeps me out of trouble when OC is at music practice three nights per week.

    Betty — thank you.

    Donna — thanks you — AND — OC is incredibly uptight about things like that.

  3. Brig — me, too! I wanted to keep it for me!

    Doug — I could give you a haircut that wouldn’t cause you to whine too loudly, but if you prefer your blood on the inside, you might want to go ahead and shave yourself.

    Dr. John — thank you — they were.

  4. I personally think that someone who takes the time to make gifts are special. Both the person and the gift. Who does this anymore? I used to make all of my gifts, but some people aren’t really appreciate. I know how much time and work goes into this kind of thing, so I always prefer a handmade item. My neighbor made me an aphgan last and I use it everyday….. These are wonderful, and just what a teacher will need….daily. So it is a perfect gift.

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