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Four Year Old Ham

Kelly needed help with his shoes.  He said, “Help, please,” and wiggled his foot at me.  I looked down at his untied shoe laces, pulled out a chair, sat down and said, “Put your foot up here on my knee.”

He put his foot on my shin.  I grabbed it, pulled it higher, tried to gather his shoe laces but his foot was all wobbly.  “Be still,” I said, and looked up at him.

His arms were extended and his eyes flared even wider.  He sort of shrugged, smiled a bit and said, “Too high.” Then he slowly fell over.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I was sitting with my buddy in a cafe in Amsterdam. He was quiet and giggling to himself. I looked at him and asked,” You okay?”

    His arms were extended and his eyes flared even wider. He sort of shrugged, smiled a bit and said, “Too high.” Then he slowly fell over.

  2. Morgan — shame on both of you!

    Pauline — it was quite charming. I’m glad you could “see” it.

    Melli — I usually do, but I have a crick in my hip. I sat on the 14 inch chair and that was as low as I could go with some assurance of getting up under my own power.

  3. SN — uhm, I can’t teach that one. I haven’t mastered it myself yet!

    Judy — I guess you really meant that, huh?

    Polona — the kids have their moments.

    Bill — everybody gets them. OTher people just give them funny names.

    Morgan — it was a funny story and I am certain that it has happened somewhere.

  4. Mumma — he doesn’t belong in our classroom, however, he did qualify for early intervention (because of speech concerns) and the classroom he should be in — Head Start — is full. He’s just waiting for a slot, which means someone has to move. Otherwise this Spring he will transfer to regular Ed with Speech pull-out.

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