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He cooked breakfast.

She smiled brightly, lifted her fork and poked her egg.  It just laid there.

She poked it again.  Nothing.

She turned the fork and cut her egg in half, then she looked up at her darling, charming, love.  He watched with a small, sheepish smile curving his lips.

She queried, “Why is it that when I cook breakfast, you insist on eggs over-easy, and when you cook breakfast –,” she paused and pointedly looked at first her plate and then his, “– we get eggs over-hard?”

He shrugged his shoulder.  “Wouldn’t know,” he mumbled, then stuffed a bite of toast in his mouth and turned intently to his breakfast.

“Oh,” She said, smiling happily, content with her eggs over-hard and pleased to have finally found something that he cannot do even better than she.


  1. YAY! I LOOOOOVE it when HE cooks breakfast! And MY he does do it sooooooo much better than I do! (well… he makes the best omelettes in the world!) MY omelettes are scrambled eggs!

  2. Rachelle — yep.

    Melli — HE cooks at your house, too!?

    Dr. John — hard to fix three squares a day that way — unless of course you use an egg form to shape them, or perhaps a square frying pan.

  3. We don’t have this problem, we don’t eat anything in the morning,lol ! But I have to admit that he once was a very good cook, I even learned cooking from him (40 years ago, lol) now he is a lazy pensionary ! (me too)

  4. Haha I like mine scrambled with added ingredients, but the boys like them over-easy, “with lots of yolk”. Took me a while to get the hang of flipping the eggs while keeping that yolk intact.

  5. haha, as with most men, no doubt, if they cook at all you are very very lucky…….or am I wrong? Here at this abode, food cooked by men is as scare as hens teeth…….

  6. Betty — ham and eggs sounds yummy

    Gattina — we oly breakfast on the weekends.

    Kila — I’ve been cooking them that way since I was a teen — over-easy lots of yolk is my fave.

    Nea — OC is an excellent cook and he has some fancy dishes. Here are a few: Broccoli & Beef, Chicken Cacciatore, Spaghetti, and French Toast — in fact, I have ordered French Toast for tomorrow’s breakfast.

  7. Some of us learned to cook eggs so that they could be put into sandwiches. Customers didn’t like it when the yolk was on them.

  8. Nea — thanks! I fixed it. The new email appears to be working.

    Amoeba — hahahahahahahahahahaha. Pft.

    But I love you — and I loved your breakfast. After all, I didn’t have to cook it!

  9. Carletta — I did appreciate the breakfast — twice. Once when I ate it, and once when I discovered something he doesn’t do better than I can!

  10. haha… though I do prefer over easy, I would eat over hard if only I had someone who would make me breakfast… or any meal for that matter, haha.

  11. LOL!!
    That made you happy twice,
    A: he cooked you breakfast,
    B: you do it better!
    Sometimes it does not take much to be happy!

  12. Alice — this morning he made French Toast and bacon. I am keeping him.

    Cath — I am glad someone understood!

    Jientje — petty, I know, but still it’s true!

    Juliana — I don’t believe he has tried. Let’s not encourage him.

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