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  1. I was an utter poetry failure. I missed the last 4 or 5 I think. Between visiting with Dr. J, having my puter go on the fritz, and traveling… I just couldn’t keep up! I still want to go back and DO them… but just for my own self. When I get HOME… and I’m BORED.

    Melli’s last blog post..The Road Less Traveled…

  2. I didn’t even start, so you are well ahead of me there. It was all great, that which I read (have been distracted for past couple of weeks, sorry). Love the new layout…. Thanks for the comment on New Kid!

    alastair’s last blog post..back again

  3. Juliana — I think I got it in about 2 hours after the deadline! No biggy. I am certain someone wrote a much better quality poem and this never would have been in contention anyway.

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