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Three Word Thursday #13

Welcome to Three Word Thursday #13. This week the participants were invited to use any words they cared to from the quondam word list, the only stipulation being, they had to use at least three. Our perspicacious writers very much appreciated this challenge.  If you enjoy reading my story, leave a comment then click on the names of the other players and go see how they used the words. You’ll be entertained (and possibly educated) all at once.

The Theory

Copper rubbed his face to clear the sleep from his eyes.  He stumbled from his bed to the bathroom, hoping a shower would wash away the remnants of the dream.  No doubt about it, he was an opprobrious paladin.  Having been on the case for over two months with no concrete leads or answers to show, he found his own nescience appalling.

Somewhere, there was a clue he was missing.  He had probably held it in his own two hands and not recognized it for what it was.  Copper felt he was letting his team down.  He was the weak link and the reason these cases weren’t getting solved.  He’d lost his edge.  It was time to resign.

Copper stepped into the shower spray and just stood, letting the spray break against his shoulders and stream down his back and legs.  He tipped his head back and soaked his hair, then reached for the shampoo.  He powered the golden liquid into his hand, then worked it through his hair, from his head to his chest, to his arm pits and down.  Soap was soap, and his hand worked just as well as any washrag.

Having satisfied the soaping protocols, Copper just stood back and let the hot water beat against him while he mentally reviewed his case file.  The first two murder scenes were identical.  The third murder scene echoed every element of the first mass murders, then added in a twist.  Someone — not the original killer, Copper was certain — decided to kill Janice Wheeler and make it look as though it was the work of the original murderer.  They’d done a good job of it, too.  Too much of a good job, since they had duplicated details that had never been released to the press.

Whoever tried to kill Janice Wheeler, knew who was poisoning the Bacchanal revelers.

No actual washrags were discriminated against in the writing of this story.

Three Word Thursday #14:

Every Thursday I will give you three new words.  You have until the following Thursday to compose a story using all three of the words.  Then, on that following Thursday, post your story.  After you post, come by here and sign in to Mr. Linky.  If you sign in and don’t post a story.  I will delete your link.

The Week  Fourteen words will be:  quiddle; uxorious; glabrous

Got it?  Good!  In that case:  Your story is due on:  May 14th, 2009

(Oh!  And if anybody else has tripped across the perfect word (like Nessa when she sent in quiddle and a few others, and Doug for uxorious, although he didn’t share it intentionally!)  and wants to send me one, or two, or three, or thirty, I’ll throw them in the word jar and post them when I pick them!)


  1. Nothing like a good shower to clear the mind. It took him long enough to figure this out.
    We dragons would have eaten the bad person already.
    Or both bad persons.
    We are good detectives.

    Fandango’s last blog post..Quillys Wonderful Words

  2. I really want the next CHAPTER of this book… Can’t you quit your job or something? I do find the shower to be a great place to think! It’s the only place Mom doesn’t FOLLOW me! LOL!

    Melli’s last blog post..Sepia Scenes… and not!

  3. Aaaah, continuing stories and showers.

    You’re sure last week’s episode was a dream, right? That the zombies did not make him a zombie too, right? That he was alive before he got into the shower?

    Because I remember Bobbie Ewing taking a shower two years after he died … !!

    Loved your story Quilly, just kidding!
    Comment Luv hates me again. That’s probably because I dare not add my link to the Mr Linky. I have used the words but ….

  4. Did he then turn into that dude from “Australia” who is playing Wolverine now?
    *angelic smile* Hugh Jackman?

    Dr. John has been busy today offering up words aplenty. 🙂

    amberstar’s last blog post..The Twenty "Firsts"

  5. I’ll attempt to get the right words next week 🙂
    This one is fun, and I’ve put you on my Scribbler’s News with a link here, so hopefully I can drum up some more participants for you.

    Anthony North’s last blog post..TONY ON HOW TO GET THIN

  6. HAH! Washrags- oh well they’re usually dirty anyways. I can almost see where this is going. I will have to get some shut eye and re-read it to be sure though. See you later today.

    OJM’s last blog post..Long posts

    1. OJM — when you discover where this is going, let me know. I have three options in mind and cannot decide on which to exercise.

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