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Day 6 — And Yet Another Stroll

I am loving my time here in Friday Harbor.  Are you tired of my walks yet? I’m not. The Friday Harbor Lab grounds are a nature preserve. One is not allowed to pick the flowers or bother the animals. However, taking pics is a whole different matter.

My intent this afternoon — after a very lazy day of lounging around the house — was to walk down the road a piece and photograph the Fox Glove in the yard by the cabins.

Fox Glove

On my way back from photographing the Fox Glove, I met this little fella.

White Crowned Sparrow
White Crowned Sparrow

He was a mouthy little thing and he had quite a bit to say to me — and by the tone I don’t think any of it was complimentary. He was upset because I was investigating a berry bush he has staked out as his. It is obvious he’s not up for sharing.

But the highlight of today came this morning as Amoeba and I were starting the day. Amoeba got to the living room before me and I heard him speak — barely above a whisper, “Hey, Love. Get your camera and come here.”

I did not know what he was going to show me, but I walked quietly through the apartment, got my camera and joined him at the window. I took this through the glass:

Velvet Pronged Buck
Velvet Pronged Buck

This shot and the close up following it I took from the balcony.

Should I Run?

He chose to saunter slowly away.


  1. Hello Quilly,
    I saw your link on Susan’s blog and just had to pop over to have a look. I stopped by before but I can’t remember if I left a comment. You’re a fabulous photographer! I’m am definitely impressed. I love the white crowned sparrow. We saw one in Seattle and loved its song.

    Musings’s last blog post..Discovery Center, Kakaako Keiki (Children) Swap Meet

    1. Musings — I am not too far from Seattle right now. Are you familiar with Friday Harbor? I am glad you like my photography. Come visit again — in fact, make yourself at home!

    1. Tony — I’m also spending a good deal of time communing with the Sandman. I have taken several unanticipated naps since I’ve come here!

  2. What a wonderful place, and you’re capturing it so beautifully. My mother always wanted to take one of the Pacific Northwest cruises, that went by all the islands and up to Victoria, but never made it. I am so enjoying your trip through your camera, remembering her at the same time. Thanks Quilly! More photos please!

    Susan at Stony River’s last blog post..Here it is.

    1. Susan — it is lovely here and I am sorry your mother missed it. Amoeba takes his class to Vancouver Island for a 4 day 3 night field trip (involving tents and sleeping bags and hard ground) and I will be going with. I promise to return with lots of photos.

  3. Great photo of the young buck. Amoeba will probably correct this but we always had the rule that bucks add one prong every year, which would make that a yearling. The confidence of adolescence explains his calmness, I suppose, and the nose piercing.

    1. Nose piercing? And these deer are so small, it wasn’t until after I posted that I learned they are ordinary White Tail deer. I went back and labeled the photo correctly, but didn’t think about changine what I called the deer.

    1. Nessa – thanks. The deer are rather used to people and he didn’t run. When I got too close he just turned his back and walked away. We came face to face today, too — and he did the same thing.

  4. nice job of catching your whitetail’s full expression…….they just don’t have a lot of fear there do they. Makes it nice for shutter bugs like you!! Keep up the good work (but remember to do your work, too…..I am waiting patiently for a good read!) XOOXOXO C

    1. Well, a road trip is going to cut into some of that writing time, but the good news is, I’m heading for your place!

  5. Those are truly wonderful pictures and I wish I was with you up there! The bird might have been a mommy bird protecting her nest…or a daddy bird. I don’t know what kind they are and if they do that or not. 😉

    amberstar’s last blog post..Life in the fast lane

    1. Amber — I don’t know if the bird was mae or female, but it had nested inside the berry bush — like I was going to stick my hand in there!

    1. Dr. John — believe me, the seer eat plenty of flowers, though they seem to prefer the berries and the Madrone trees.

  6. How could anyone get tired of your walks. It is just beautiful there. Maybe your sparrow friend was telling you to get some repellent ya think? or possibly gave you a pffffftttt ROFLMAO…Love that deer…or should I say Buck…Wonderful Q

    Thom’s last blog post..Sunday Funnies

    1. Thom — oh, I don’t know, how about one-forth of the hits I’m used to getting? Somebody MUST be bored. Mosquito repellent will work on you? Proof you’re a big pest! 😉

  7. With things like this to see, nope, I’m not at all tired of your walks yet. But I am a bit sad I’m not going to get to visit you in this beautiful place.

    Brooke’s last blog post..Camera Critters 64

  8. Ohhhhhhh isn’t this all just gorgeous! I absolutely LOVE foxglove! I have tried to grow it here with NO luck whatsoever! And aren’t you just so blessed to get so close to those deer! Those are some AMAZING shots Quilly! Truly!

    Melli’s last blog post..Produce Update… and stuff…

    1. Melli — there is a story behind the Fox Glove photo. If everyone is tired of the pics, I suppose I could share it.

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