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Cars, Quarterbacks, and Nonsense

He said: “They’re talking about putting product placement on football jerseys.”

She said: “You mean when I ask, So whose playing? you’re going to answer, Looks like Frito-Lays?

He said: “Something like that anyway.”

She said: “That’s silly.  How will we know the NFL quarterbacks from the Nascar automobiles?”

He said: “The quarterbacks will be the ones with only two pistons.”


Novel in progress — today’s word count: 1001


    1. Thom — Amoeba is often quick with the unexpected yet perfect answer.
      And as to the novel, it isn’t the same story I was writing yesterday. That one was tooth pulling slow. This one sort of came to me all at once and all I have to do is write it.

  1. Boy meets girl.
    Falls in love.
    Moves across the country.
    Then overseas.


    Too far fetched to believe. What else you got? 😉
    .-= Brian´s last blog ..wondering =-.

    1. Brian — Boy meets girl.
      Falls in love.
      Moves across the galaxy.
      Then the universe.

      Very believable and grounded in reality. 😉

    1. Barbara — sorry, Punny Monday fell out of my brain in the hustle and bustle of returning home and picking up the pieces of my real life.

  2. it is so hard to disipline one’s self!!! I will be praying for you and the strength it will take in the next few months!! Look to the big picture……..this is worth it…….it is what you want…….and the sacrifice IS WORTH IT !!!!!! xoxooxo love you, C

    1. Nicole — Oh! I am so glad to hear that. It always makes my day if I can get someone to spit there beverage. I am even more estatic if I can get them to squirt it out their nose!

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