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My Day With a Night Heron

I had a couple of hours to kill the other day and went to one of our many beach parks to hang out, take some photographs and enjoy the sunshine. While I was there I met someone tall, dark and handsome and spent quite a bit of time in his company.

Night Heron

He was very cooperative and posed nicely for my camera.

Night Heron

He posed left. He posed right.

Night Heron

He even let me come in close.
If I were to make one of these into a  postcard, which would be your favorite shot?

Night Heron

But not too close.

Night Heron

He flew to a nearby tree …

Night Heron

… and suddenly I realized —

Night Heron

He was not alone!

Night Heron

This is how close he let me get before  he flew away.


  1. Good morning, Dear Quilly:

    What quality time and photo shots for a night Herron,
    Hawaii is absolutely beautiful,
    The blue sky,
    the green trees,
    and the soft sunlight!

    I bet you will have a day filled with smiles, confidence, and love!
    I love you, the way you are, as a lady myself, Quilly!
    .-= jingle´s last blog ..What Do You Think Of Water? =-.

    1. Could the sky get any bluer, Linda? Not likely. It’s reflecting off the laid-off hospitality workers, furloughed teachers, and stand-over-ed university educators. We’re just lucky, I guess, that the sky’s not red. Yet.

  2. Beautiful! Wow!

    Why two ‘r’s in heron? Just curious as to what the correct one is. We have lots of blue herons here. The canoers in my family like to sneak up on them, but the herons are way to smart for that.
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Post-Christmas Grinch =-.

    1. Thanks, Mom. And yes, there is one “r” in “heron”. Chalk it up to midnight in “Paradise” and the preparations for shaking the dust off of our feet as we leave it.

    2. Kelly — I used to teach at Fay Herron Elementary, so naturally that’s what my fingers typed without asking my brain whether or not it was correct. That “midnight” excuse works as good as any since I posted this about 11:30 p.m.

    1. Gigi — I went to the book store and saw the hundreds of Hawaiian pictorial coffee table books on the shelf. I need to think of someway to make mine stand out from the crowd.

    1. Susan — a 200 mm lens is a great help in “getting close”. Also, this fella lives in a very busy city park and is more used to people than his Irish cousins likely are.

  3. i’m green (or blue to fit the occasion) with envy. marvellous shots!
    i guess the top two are my favourites… although the flying away shot is stunning, too
    .-= polona´s last blog ..out of the rock =-.

    1. Polona — my car was idling at the stop light just outside Ala Moana Park when I glanced over and saw this fella next to the canal. I turned into the park, drove through it twice looking for a parking place — finally found one at the opposite end — and made a dash for the canal. Happily, he waited there for me.

  4. Those red eyes are wicked! Maybe he was waiting around for you to give him a treat to take back to his mate.

    I like the one of him in the tree with the blue sky background the best, but they are all very good!
    .-= Church Lady´s last blog ..End of The Noughties =-.

  5. I like the very last one Quilly, it looks as if your Gentleman Friend is speaking to you. Oh but all the pictures are beautiful.

    Happy New Year my friend, all the best to you and the Amoeba in 2010

    Oh, can you get a message to Our Thom, I cannot open his blog anymore to leave comments. It’s not because of his changing things, my computer, like me, is just old and worn out. The lad’s site is just too fast for my computer to keep up. Pages just sit there with pending things to happen that never do, I’ve been trying to visit, to leave a comment but so far cannot..

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