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Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris

I choose to read, Dug Down Deep, by Joshua Harris book because of this bit of description from Multnomah Books:

With startling transparency, Joshua Harris shares how we can rediscover the relevance and power of Christian truth. This is book shows a young man who rose quickly to success in the Christian evangelical world before he realized his spirituality lacked a foundation—it rested more on tradition and morality than on an informed knowledge of God.

As someone who grew up in the church just going through the motions, I was eager to read Joshua’s account of finding a deeper relationship with God. However, when he spent the first 36 pages telling me ad nauseam why I should read the book, I couldn’t help thinking that I would, if he’d just get on with it.

Luckily, when he did “get on with it”, he had much of value to say. It is important that we each develop a personal relationship with God by delving into, meditating on, coming to understand scripture, and then putting it into action in our daily lives.

My favorite chapter in the book, however, wasn’t about Joshua, but instead detailed his father’s conversion story. It was very like my own, and yet very different as well. It was a wonderful reminder to me of why I cherish God, and how much he cherishes me.

The publishers recommend this book for new believers and long time believers who may have fallen into a spiritual rut and have perhaps grown immune or indifferent to scripture. I concur.

I would like to thank Waterbrook Multnomah for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book to read and review.

I blog for books.


  1. Barbara, as mature Christian totally committed to God, like me you would probably find much truth and wisdom in the book, but little growth. It was primarily written for new Christians.

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