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    1. Thom — with patience, love, compassion, encouragement, boundaries, the freedom to make choices and mistakes pre-armed with the knowledge of both good and bad consequences; and the promise that I will try to be fair.

      Further more, if a child has reason to believe I am wrong or I have been unfair, they are free to question me — respectfully — and explain why they think I’ve made a mistake. If the child is correct — and they frequently point out things I hadn’t taken into consideration — I apologize and amend my decision.

      As a rule angry children have been pushed aside, forgotten and ignored. Just giving them consistent positive attention is usually enough to make a major difference in their life and their grades.

      Now, aren’t yu glad you asked?

      1. Ahh but you dont’ think most teachers would do this? I mean any teacher worth his/her worth would if you ask me. And if they don’t allow the child to do this, it seems to me that they shouldn’t be teaching in the first place. Granted, every profession, mine included, has their assholes that don’t care and are just there to collect a check. But i would say most teachers would do this. I knew this would be your answer really…I wanted you to share it with all 🙂
        .-= Thom´s last blog ..Guess Whose Back? =-.

        1. Thom, sadly, all teachers do not have the patience or the talent to reach the troubled kids. If they did, we’d have a whole lot fewer troubled kids. Being a good teacher and being able to reach problem students isn’t necessarily the same thing. I believe God gave me a special talent and empathy for working with angry kids.

  1. Good to hear that someone will take control of the situation and teach that child! I heae there’s almost always at least one child like that. There’s always a reason for the way we and others behave. I’m impressed you are so understanding – keep up teh good work!
    .-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..Impulse Buying =-.

    1. Akelamalu — lucky me having such children as my teacher. There is almost always a wealth of wonderful things inside them looking for a way out.

    1. Doug — perhaps more than one, but I doubt I’ll ever have another year like my first one when I had 12 at once and the juvvy officer spent more time in class than my most dedicated student!

    1. Jenn — thank you for the high praise. Really, what I do isn’t so amazing. Those kids want to be reached and they wholeheartedly help me succeed once they realize I am fair and for real.

  2. i’m not going to praise the haiku but i will always admire and praise the ability of the teacher and her willingness to embark on this difficult two-way learning curve
    .-= polona´s last blog ..arches =-.

  3. Very imaginative Quilly I would have done a Haiku on hot chocolate and cookies or some silly thing like that , great message in this one!

  4. I honestly believe that some people were born for this job, with extra gifts of patience and insight to help them. Plenty of people do the job, but some just seem to have a calling. I *love* it when you talk about your teaching, and hope you find your own classroom in Washington soon!

  5. I know some kids who need to be home-schooled by you!

    I get frustrated with my kids in public school now. There are so many demands placed on classroom time that teachers often don’t have the time to interact with students in the way you described to Thom.

    Recently I had to sign a waiver saying my high school child could participate in a survey asking about sex, alcohol and drug use. I didn’t object to the survey, but I strenuously objected to them taking, once again, time from the ENGLISH class to do it. Why not during HEALTH/PE?

    Okay, stepping off soapbox now. I’m glad those kids have you in their corner!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Sensational Haiku Wednesday =-.

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