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  1. Welcome home – and I’ll say it again when you move into your house on Wednesday.

    And when they posted the tsunami alerts for Hawaii after Chile’s earthquake, I was glad you were no longer there!

  2. So glad you have made it home safely. I’ll bet you are tinkled pink that your goods will finally be arriving and you will be able to unpack and put everything away and begin living in your new home!
    .-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Happy Cat =-.

  3. Welcome home!! Glad you made it safe and sound. Better yet – you get your stuff back on Wednesday!!! WOOOOT!!! I cannot believe how long it’s taken to get there! Unreal. Ah well, it will be great to get set up finally so you can get on with your life.

    .-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..6 Word Saturday =-.

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