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Microfiction Monday #25

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
That means you have to be prepared to read between the lines.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!


Della rubbed her magic lamp, making certain her sister would never again accuse her of having a “wild hair”.


  1. Oh revenge can be so sweet 🙂 Well done Q. I hope the sister isn’t friends with Jeanine LOL 🙂 Excellent 🙂

    1. Thom – -of course she was — that’s why the magic lamp turned the wild hair up her bunny into a bad hare day.

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