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Sensational Haiku Wednesday ~ Challenge

Jenn from, You Know … that blog?,
hosts Sensational Haiku Wednesday.
This week’s theme is:

Join the fun!


Constantly behind.
Running as fast as I can.
I’m getting closer.


My dear reader, Jenn had a haiku challenge today with a fabulous $25.00 prize for the blogger who could get the most people to join Sensational Haiku Wednesday. I am posting far too late to even hope to make it in the running, but if you’d like to make me $25.00 richer, by all means, post a haiku on your blog before midnight tonight, link up to Jenn’s blog with the great graphic above, and be sure to tell her that I sent you. Thanks!


      1. .
        Oh yes, voting with your pen by writing a haiku first. I probably was the last one to join a couple of weeks ago? Nessa 🙂 sent me that time.

  1. i feel the same way… constantly behind. i hope i can also say “i’m getting closer” but then, i even missed jenn’s deadline. i still posted though. better late than never, right? 🙂

    great haiku!!!

    1. Rosidah — Yes! I think we should quit finishing tasks since new ones crop up just at the end of the old ones! 😉

  2. I feel that way this week — just got back from TN. When I stop to think about everything that needs to be done before moving — I stop thinking about it. 🙂

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