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I’m Confused

I just received an email informing me there there are naked photos of my wife being displayed freely on the internet. This is supposed to concern me. Somehow it doesn’t.

I have also received an email assuring me that if I increase my penis size it will improve my love life, my self-concept, and my career. I am somewhat skeptical of these claims. I would like them to send me documented proof that this has improved the lives and self-concepts of other women.

And I have been offered the chance of saving $60.00 per year if I sign up for a two year membership in an online “every man’s fantasy” porn club. Sixty dollars is a lot of money to save, but even so this offer really doesn’t tempt me.

Should I be concerned?


  1. “offered the chance of saving $60.00 per year if I sign up for a two year membership in an online “every man’s fantasy” porn club”
    skip signing up for the membership and just put the sixty bucks in a cookie jar.

  2. What’s really interesting is that she gets these things, and I don’t. OK, amoebae are kinda, um, squishy. But still …


  3. Quit reading your spam! Oh…it’s not spam? Well…all of my offers like this end up in the spam box courtesy of google. I guess I’m not missing much, especially the parts one needs to be equipped to appreciate such offers!

  4. LOL – I monitor our church’s prayer email group, and those wife emails have been coming in a lot lately. NOT from church members! LOL Which is why we have it set up to be monitored so only the real prayer requests go through.

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