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Microfiction Monday #49

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!

Mid-Summer in Lou’ziana, sunshine, bird song, and Judy holdin’ his hand. Darrel coulda sworn he was walkin’ on air.


  1. .
    Your are good, Quilly! 🙂 I might say that Louisiana is terribly hot in the summer, your folks might have done better still in the Spring or Fall seasons.

    I am running late tonight because we had a guest speaker/comedian from Louisiana tonight in church. Dennis Swanberg talked and talked about leadership and how leaders must be human. I think it was worth being late for µfiction.

    His Bible verses for reference were about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and how Jesus was human with them. And how Martha was so comfortable with Jesus could jaw at Him.

  2. Aww! Sounds like he was walkin’ on sunshine and feeling fine. I enjoyed this, Quilly. Now I’ll have to visit you again to see what you write like when snarky!

    Have a great week.

  3. Quilly,
    Walkin’ on air describes very nicely the idea of falling in love! Clever and cute 140!


  4. I love this picture this week. Love is blooming all over blogger!
    …and I loved your comment on my blog .. You’re the best!
    Thank you for that.

  5. I think they both appear to be floating on air. Having lived along the gulf in summer, walking on air is quite possible, as thick as it gets lol.

    nice MFM 🙂

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