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Sensational Haiku Wednesday ~ Stress

Join the fun!

Jenn from, You Know … that blog?,
hosts Sensational Haiku Wednesday.
This week’s theme is:


The clock is ticking.
Much to do and little time.
I’m always behind.


Today I am off to the mainland with my friend, Ramona, so I won’t be visiting until late tonight. If I don’t get to everyone tonight, be patient. I’ll be by!


    1. Nessa — I figured most of us would take the easy road on this and go with time commitments. You, however, thought about the topic and out-did us all.

  1. I used to say that I was always behind! Suddenly, I realised that I gave myself too much to achieve in a short time! Suddenly that realisation reduced stress! I can be my own worst enemy! Great haiku!

    1. Gemma — the confusing thing for me being always behind is that I don’t have a job and I do have a short to-do list! If I pack my day full I get my chores done. On the days I have room to maneuver I get nothing accomplished!

  2. This is how I’m feeling lately. I think about all that I got to do and I think I’ll have no time to get it all done. Enjoy your trip with Ramona, see you when you get back.

    1. Church Lady — yes, out “modern conveniences” have robbed us of time and made it possible for us to work much longer then ever before.

  3. I think if we had more hours in the day we’d just fill them with even more to do.

    Isn’t it odd that this is an almost universal feeling? Except among little kids and elderly people?

    1. I agree, Barbara. We do over-tax ourselves. Little kids haven’t learned that time isn’t infinite — and old folks have learned what is really important.

  4. .
    That’s me too, Quilly! Nince going. 🙂

    I’m in this week. But I did miss your Puny Monday.
    Sorry. You know, “Much to do and little time.”

  5. ypu seem to have hit everybody’s nerve with this… i’ve only been back to work a couple of days and i feel i need a vacation already

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