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The Muffed Target #13

Thom has taken over Gattina’s meme invention, Muffed Target Photo Meme. The idea is to share our photos that didn’t turn out. Come on, you know we all have them! You share yours and I’ll share mine!

This will give you some idea of what my uncorrected eyesight is like. Without my glasses the world I live in is all soft and blurry.

I am nearsighted. I propped my glasses on top of my head while I fiddled with my camera, changed my settings and light meter and read all the fine print on the buttons, dials and menu screen. Then I put the camera to my eye, focused (I thought) and snapped the pic. Oops.


  1. The beauty of this flower still shines through your shot. A blurred vision belongs to me, too. I rarely put off my glasses, because than I have a real hard time to find them again.

    1. Rosidah — I have the same problem with my glasses. If I take them off I put them always in the same place or on top of my head, otherwise I can’t find them,. I also keep a spare set of glasses in the medicine cabinet. they are too old and not the right prescription, but much better than no glasses at all. I have used them many times to help me find my glasses after I have inadvertantly put them down or dropped them. (I can’t see close up with my glasses on.)

  2. What do you know. That’s how I see all the time as well when I’m trying to see something close up. Thanks for playing. The flower is still beautiful 🙂

  3. I see everything from afar in a Blurr. I actually have to remove my glasses to see things properly up close. My Spectacles are supposed to be bifocals, but they are anything but. It’s time to get them rechecked anyway.

    1. Barbara — it is my supposition that the first impressionistic painters were in need of glasses and they simply painted what they saw. My experience with this photograph does provide some support for my theory. 😉

  4. Just a tad sharper and it could be a soft focus image SOOTC!
    Uh, um, glasses weren’t meant to be worn on top of the head. 🙂
    I like your comment to Barbara. I’d never thought of it that way.

  5. I like the soft ‘muffedness’ in this one.
    Gives it a dreamy flair!

    Hehe, but I am glad you got all the settings right *snicker* 😉

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