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Microfiction Monday #59

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!

The Real Origin

“Lemme get this straight, you want half our herd for passage through Pamplona?
I don’t think so. Let’em go, honey!


  1. I agree quilly, I don’t think this was a fair deal at all
    The guy in the cat suit looks like a wheeler dealer!
    Nice one!
    Have a nice week.

  2. I think the future looks pretty spooky and dangerous! Definitely a wheeler dealer in the cat suit!! I think I met him somewhere???? Great one for the day, Quilly! Hope your week goes well and hope we all get a little sunshine, but doesn’t look to promising right now!


  3. .
    Don’t mess with the Texans! 🙂 Nice one, Quilly!
    I’ve been to Pamplona on a driving tour. We stayed at Burgos that night. Our start was at Paris, to the Normanday coast, down to Gibraltar, and over to Granada. Then it was up to Albecete (Spain) where we turned in the lease car and started our mission tour. We had Jenna, grandchild then sixteen, with us.

  4. Cute story, Q. I like it.
    As for Punny Monday, I would never have guessed CHILI PEPPERS. I originally guessed SALT & PEPPER, but that would have been 2 nouns.
    Ah well, better luck next time!

  5. Now the running of the bulls, The old King better not hope she decides to see if the bulls want to do the run now. Can one say Stampede.

    1. Pat — of course heard of the famous Running of the Bulls in Pamploma where men and creatures race? It isn’t terribly organized. People and animals get hurt.

    1. Dominic — you understand I am not an official historian and I may have gotten a few — or even all — of the facts confused. [shrug]

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