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  1. Dude must have some agenda he’s trying to publicize. Not even a petty blackmailer with any hope of success would go around collecting his “items” in a getup like that.

    1. Doug — revisitist history. There has always been spying involved. For years no one cared and then someone spun the story from a different angle …

  2. ROFLMAO!!!
    OMG the headline format is just too good; considering what’s happening in the news these days it rings too true. And now you’ve got me wondering what’s in that pipe of his…

  3. We’ve been reading stroies in the paper about Santa for years. A peeping Santa should be in the news.
    Great take on the picture quilly. Loved it, can see all the choppers hovering over head!
    Happy Holidays!

  4. Oh…my…sides…hurt! This is the funniest one yet! And to think we’re told to trust the guy in the red suit. šŸ˜‰

    Here’s wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

  5. Marvelous! So marvelous, in fact, that I should steal it. But that would be wrong. And Santa would switch me to the wrong list, correctamundo?

    1. Melissa — yes, if you stole my story Santa would switch you to the naughty list — providing somebody stands for his bail. It’s pretty hard to get a backer when one only works one day per year!

  6. Everyone knows that the elves are an intricate network reporting back daily on the naughty or niceness of mankind in general. Charges? They don’t need no stinking charges.
    .-= KatƂĀ“s last blog ..The Demons Among Us =-.

  7. Love it Quilly! The expression on his face says he’s guilty!

    p.s. I received your package today! My kids nearly ripped it from my hands and were like small vultures. My daughter collects key chains, so she scarfed that up! It was very exciting. Thanks again for your generosity.
    .-= Church LadyƂĀ“s last blog ..Fun Monday – You’ve Got Mail =-.

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