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I ♥ ShopWiki

By now you all know I am an online shopper.  I have quite happily bought any number of things on the web.  I have never had a legitimate business let me down with anything I ordered.  However — There’s always a however isn’t there? –  I have purchased something from online store A only to discover later that I could have purchased it at online store B for less, but Shopwiki has put an end to that! All I have to do is tell Shopwiki what I want, and it aggregates all  the info it can find on the product from across the web.

Amoeba is co-teaching a class that is about to take a 3 day field trip to Botany Beach in Vancouver, BC. Some of you will recognize the name because we’ve been there a couple times in the past. In fact, the last time we went it rained on us for three full days. For that reason, I am looking to be better prepared this time around, and with that in mind, I am been spending some time on Shopwiki.

Amoeba’s backpack is pretty well shot and he’s going to be needing another. Then there’s the matter of a tent. Right now we are using my niece’s tent, but sooner or later she is going to want it back.  I’ve been looking at the binoculars, too. The Botanical beach area is the home territory for both eagle and osprey. If had had some really nice binoculars I could watch the nests.

A couple of flannel-lined rectangular sleeping bags would be good, too. Right now I just take sheets and blankets, but one of us doesn’t like to cover up and the other one of us is quite content to pull the covers right up to her nose and she doesn’t want any cold drafts coming in, either! As you can see, sharing a blanket is a bit controversial.

I just love looking for outdoor camping, hunting and fishing supplies. Now that we’re back in the Pacific Northwest I just might take up fishing again. Nothing tastes as good as fresh caught trout fried crisp over the campfire.  Whoa!  That reminds me, I need to check out the cast iron skillets …


  1. ROFL! You are a riot! I would LOVE to go fishin’ with you! I’m not crazy about trout though… it’s OKAY… but… soooooo many bones! I’ve become sO spoiled by Salmon and catfish fillets that I hardly eat ANY bony fish anymore!

    1. Melli — I grew up on trout and I was taught a trick for lifting the bones out after it’s cooked. If you have native trout it works. It doesn’t work on hatchery trout which are mealy, tasteless and mushy anyway so there’s no point in cooking them..

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