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Post-It Notes

First note to self:

Dear Self, if you want your eggs sunnyside up do not put them on to fry then begin reading the blogs of all your wonderful, witty and charming friends.

Second note to self:

Dear Self, the next time you want to test your smoke alarms, put eggs on to fry then go sit down and read the blogs of all your wonderful, witty and charming friends.

To Do List:

buy more eggs

buy a new frying pan

get brain serviced

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Dear Visitor — had the smoke alarms not worked, I would have “Buy batteries” on my To Do list. Thank you, however, for the reminder. I must add, “Buy ear plugs.”

  2. hahahahahaha ROFL

    Thanks for the permission to steal your poem. I did post a blog – lame but hey, I’m posting pretty regularly here so that should count for something! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ok quilldancer, enough is enough, even though I look forward to your comments you are banned from my blog for 2 days. It’s for your own good, use the 2 minutes saved wisely!

  4. Note to Quilldancer:

    first: prepare eggs on toast

    second: log in

    third: remember to enjoy the eggs on toast before getting lost in post

  5. Quilly you are truly priceless. And an adorable addict. Burnt eggs reminds me of something out of Oliver Twist…although that may have been burnt porridge.

  6. I was wondering what all that noise was.

    My husband gets made at me when I cook becasue I am always putting stuff on and then doing something else. But watching things cook is boring.

  7. had the smoke alarms not worked, “buying batteries” might have taken second place to “recover from smoke inhalation”

  8. haha, so this is what you have been doing while I was gone……burning your eggs…..I have some toast that will match perfectly…..

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