Alasaia’s Forever Family
Life isn’t fair, but sometimes it gives us second chances. Today in church, with joy and sorrow, we said good-bye to Alasaia. Tomorrow morning she will join her “forever family”. Alasaia is being adopted.
As sorry as we are to see her go, our hearts are filled with joy that this small girl-child, born addicted to meth and with the odds for a stable home stacked highly against her, is joining a family who will provide her with two parents and siblings. Life does not come with guarantees of happiness, but happiness is more easily found when one is wanted and loved. Alasaia’s adoption is an answer to prayer.
This picture of O’Ceallaigh and Alasaia was taken last weekend.
Well, I wish little Alasaia all the joy and love in the world.
that’s great news! i wish her a happy and prosperous life.
Nice picture. Good luck to Alasaia. That’s young to have the wind at your back. I hope it keeps blowing for her.
I got tears is my eyes this time….
Adoption is a special event. I remember the party we had when my family adopted my youngest sister. On a different note OC looks like Pastor Doug who was one of my interns.
Here is wishing wee little Alasaia a lifetime of love and happiness.
All – Thank you for your hopes and prayers for Alsaia.
My thoughts and prayers go out to this little miracle baby. She has had a lot of obstacles to tackle and I am sure this will be a blessing and a wish come true for her even though she is too small to tell anyone that this is a wish come true. Blessings to you all at the church for loving her and praying for her.
Wishing her the very best…what a good ending.
Much luck to Alsaia. What a special girl. This hits close to home, and I can tell you that with parents who love her, she will now have the first REAL chance to become everything she was meant to be.
Happy adoption day, Alsaia!
Gawd stories like this make me weepy. Yeah. Happy adoption day!
All — Again, on Alasaia’s behalf, thank you for your well wishes and prayers.
Alasaia’s time with us does have a happy ending, and I am hoping that it leads to a happier beginning.
What a happy story, hooray! Sometimes the system works, sometimes things go properly and the angels sing.
Kat — sometimes life lets us make lemonaide with all those lemons.
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