Gotta Fly!

Yesterday OC’s music kept us in town all day. He had morning and evening gigs. In between we visited the aquarium, and spent some time lounging on the beach getting sunburned. This morning we’re off to church. This afternoon we’ll have a barbecue pool party to attend ……
I’ll be back with all of you this evening — which for some of you means early Monday morn, and for others, late Tuesday night.
The Cannon Ball Tree is an interesting plant. Is the fruit good.
I hope you enjoyed the party!!! See you!
Do you hold that feather in one hand and say ” I can fly, I can fly?
sigh. a barbecue pool party.
i had one of those today.
only without the pool.
and….without the barbecue…
and……without the party.
Hey, I want to come hang around with you! Sounds like a fun place! 🙂
Too bad project black is over 🙂
Sounds like a busy and fun day. It is still hotter than hades here, so we are still hanging around the house watching movies and knitting and having fun.
For some reason I haven’t been by your blog in the past few days, but I haven’t been around anyone’s very much this weekend.
What a great simple image. I’m glad you paused long enough to capture it.
You sound very busy, don’t forget your sun blocker this time 🙂
ROFL at HollyDolly!
It’s a lovely feather! Is it right where you found it?
Sheesh, it’s a hard life, but someone has to live it, I guess!
hey, watch your feathers!
Morning Quill, just wanted to say hi. 🙂
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