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Punny Monday #25

What plural noun does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players.

The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this little game again. Enjoy.

PLEASE, do not write your guess in the comments. It spoils the game for the other players. Your guesses will be shared when the game ends. Oh, and just because someone announces they’ve won, doesn’t mean that they have. Please keep guessing until I post the answers!


July 6th, 2009, 7:35 a.m. — Melli — Bookends


July 6th, 2009, 1:36 a.m. — Caryl — paiges


July 6th, 2009, 1:09 a.m. — Mar — life steps; daily steps

July 6th, 2009, 1:11 a.m. — Thumbelina — storyboards; picture cards

July 6th, 2009, 4:09 a.m. — Betty — open books

July 6th, 2009, 4:27 a.m. — Rosidah — storybooks

July 6th, 2009, 5:48 a.m. — Mumma — Playtime; Illustrations; Displays; Dihedrals;

July 6th, 2009, 6:21 a.m. — Barbara — Storybook endings; Fairy-tale endings; Unfairy-tale-like endings; Unfulfilled expectations

July 6th, 2009, 7:14 a.m. — Jane — illustrations


    1. Thom — if you read this would be much easier. You would just go to your bookshelf and see the books sitting there between two ……

    1. Melli — you must go to the bookstore this very instant and ask for Robert Munch’s, Paperbag Princess. It is the best storybook ever for little princesses — and Luz certainly fits that category. In this book, the Princess rescues the Prince, and then …. oh you just have to read it for yourself. It is wonderful!

    1. Raven — creative was certainly needed on this. Maybe a look at your bookcases would have helped more than a cup of coffee?

  1. Debbie — how come you didn’t play along? There is a Punny Monday email reminder that goes out when I post. Do you want to be on the list?

    1. Barbara — I told everybody it would be hard! I fully expected to have to give clues and am really impressed that Melli got it!

    1. Nessa — 12:23 p.m. your time is 9:23 a.m. my time — you must be thinking Hawaii time. Sorry. Not for a couple more weeks.

  2. yes, now I can see that you were not showing us pages but actually the ending of each book, missed that 1st time around……………it’s the details I am not good with!!! Another great adventure, thanks! XOXOOXO C

    1. Caryl — it’s all in the details! We looked really hard for books that said “The End” — at least one — but that isn’t the “thing” nowadays.

  3. I think I ought to get those books for me to read, I don’t know them and it’s never too late!
    Congrats, Melliiiiii!

    Mar’s last blog post..untitled

    1. Mar — you SHOULD get those books for you to read! I read a couple to my Amoeba yesterday and he very much enjoyed them! The Paperbag Princess is my absolute favorite of all time!

  4. I am TRULY on a winning streak! WOW! I can’t believe nobody else got it… was it really that hard? Well… I miss the ones I should NEVER miss – and get the ones nobody else does. That’s kinda scary….. LOL!

    Melli’s last blog post..WARNING! Busy-ness Ahead!

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