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    1. Barbara — I am glad the game is so much enjoyed. I love thinking the photos up. I have a grand one for next Monday!

  1. That’s OK Quilly, I forgot to come by to see if I could guess as to what it might be. You take care of you, and we will see the return of Punny Monday.

    Oh and this week I got a really good close up to share, You all may have a bit of trouble figuring this one out. (If I can remember to publish it on my blog) 🙂
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..The Close Up Game #3 ~ Answer =-.

  2. I am doomed to fail. I remembered . I got up early. I went right to your blog. Then no contest.
    That is the nature of my luck.
    But I look forward to next week.
    .-= Dr. John´s last blog ..More of Me Almost =-.

  3. You are sO totally forgiven! I would have entirely missed it this week! But that’s okay – sometimes I entirely miss it EVEN when I’m HERE! hehehe… HOPEFULLY next Monday I will be sitting here with a steamy cup of coffee taking elaborately wild guesses at your superior cleverness!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..VBS Day 1 — Before the fact… =-.

    1. Melli — [shakes head] I am laughing to much to form a coherent reply! Sometimes I am not here when I’m here!

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