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I Must Be Feeble

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work and bought one lemon and some cocktail toothpicks. There were few clerks and long lines. The cashier was working as fast as she could and surviving by rote. “Hello did you find everything today? Debit or credit? Thank you for shopping at Safeway. Would you like carry out with that?”

When it was my turn in line, the cashier took my $3.74 and put my lemon and my toothpicks in a teeny little bag. As she handed me the bag, dangling from one finger, she asked, “Would you like carry-out ma’am?” The she looked at the bag, realized what she’d said and grinned.

I grinned back, took the bag and walked away. I’m regretting that now. I should have said, “Yes.” I think she might have enjoyed the break.


  1. This is what I like about visiting Safeway, the clerks always ask if you need help with your groceries.

    Thanks for the kind words on my last post, I am glad you liked my post for my Dad. I think you and he would have become fast friends..
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..My Dad ~ Thanks For The Memories =-.

    1. Safeway does have excellent customer service. Yesterday I asked “Where is …” and the clerk didn’t tell me. She took me to the item in question and then asked if I needed assistance with anything else!

  2. Safeway has the best customer service. That’s why I shop there. Well and it’s close to home. LOL. Your last line is great. It’s probably true also. 🙂

    1. Thom — my Gram stopped at Safeway when I was little. I have known the store for most of my 50 years and I have never had cause to question their quality. That and their customer service keep me loyal.

    1. Tony — I was feeling sorry for her because she was so overwhelmed so I curbed my tongue — only belatedly realizing the humor might have been a boon for her.

    1. Jientje — you are going to find American VERY different. I am looking forward to hearing your observations, though I am certain some of them will sting.

    1. Doug — I smoked for 20 years. One of the reasons I took up smoking is that I noticed the smokers got more breaks than the rest of us!

  3. LOL! That’s a nice thought – IF it would have given HER a break! At our store they just call for a bag boy to help you out! (and did you know they are NOT ALLOWED to take TIPS anymore? Isn’t that crazy?)
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Just Stuff =-.

    1. Melli — undoubtedly you’re right, but my comment would have given her a laugh and a few moments respite before she had to go back into rote mode. And, except for a couple of stores in Vegas that CHARGED for carry out service to the car, I’ve never shopped anywhere that the carry out people did accept tips.

  4. At least she offered. 🙂 Even if she was on automatic pilot.. At one store where we used to go, the guy would never offer to help, but if I didn’t put my cart back in just the right place, he was out there before I had even gotten into my car.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Simulated Yearbook Photos =-.

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