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The Book Meme

Thom at Thom’s Place 4 Well Whatever (& Other Bullsugar) tagged me with what is called the Book Tag.   Gee, thanks, Thom.

The rules are:

1.  Collect the book that you have most handy:  Magic Bites, Ilona Andrews

2.  Turn to page 161: Done

3.  Find the 5th complete sentence: Found it

4.  Cite the sentence on your blog:  “Thirteen years.

5.  Pass it on to 5 other victims (oops…bloggers):  Okay — I pass this meme on to whichever five of you want to grab it and run with it.


    1. Melli — I have 11 books right here within reach, but I literally picked up the one closest to my left hand. I had it out because I was showing it to a friend.

  1. At first I did not think I’d want to do it, but I got curious and grabbed the first book handy. It’s the little booklet “mama” my daughter gave me a couple of months back. Page 161 has only one sentence. But it’s lovely. I’ll have to find a way to make a post with it. Maybe next Thursday.

    Tomorrow is idiom day. Are you going to play again? PLEASE, pretty please?
    .-= Jientje´s last blog ..Ruby Tuesday, Lost and Abandoned =-.

    1. Doug — thirteen years a mistress, and then thrown over for someone younger. You understand why she has to kill, yes?

    1. Thom — it really was the book closest to hand. I took it off the shelf a couple of days ago to show to a friend, and the closest it got to put away was the end of my computer table.

    1. Bill — the crime was committed by the man who callously tossed her aside after 13 years and set her on her killing spree to get even with him.

    1. Susan — if you ever get a chance to read Ilona’s books, you’ll love them. And once you have them in your hands, check out the acknowledgments in the first two and you will find my name!

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