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Punny Monday #34

What noun or adjective (the word can be used either way) does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players.

Punny Monday

The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this little game again. Enjoy.

PLEASE, do not write your guess in the comments. It spoils the game for the other players. Your guesses will be shared when the game ends. Oh, and just because someone announces they’ve won, doesn’t mean that they have. Please keep guessing until I post the answers!


September 14th, 2009, 2:56 a.m. — Linda — Wireless (Y R Less)



September 14th, 2009, 12:56 a.m. — Susan — Capital Offence
September 14th, 2009, 2:34 a.m. — Tilden — Missing Link



September 14th, 2009, 12:18 a.m.  — Jientje — No Way (No Y)
September 14th, 2009, 12:30 a.m.  — Tinkerbell
Thumbelina — Alphabetically
September 14th, 2009, 12:45 a.m. — Doug — Cornerback
September 14th, 2009, 1:15 a.m. — Doug — Backyard
September 14th, 2009, 2:54 a.m. — Dr. John — Missing
September 14th, 2009, 2:56 a.m. — Betty — Endingless
September 14th, 2009, 4:02 a.m. — Karen — Toys R (Not) Us
September 14th, 2009, 7:34 a.m. — Carletta — The End
September 14th, 2009, 7:43 a.m. — Thom — Backwards Lot
September 14th, 2009, 8:03 a.m. — Melli — Misery (Miss RY)
September 14th, 2009, 8:08 a.m. — Melli — Partial


  1. Oh my….. Hmmmm. I think I will be needing some clues for this one. Having a somewhat twisted mind, reading our email gave me some hope that I would get it. Short lived hope as it turned out. See you tomorrow. 🙂
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Laugh 12 =-.

      1. LOL Yeah, and it was more like head-banging anyhow. I was stumped. This was *excellent* and I never even noticed the missing letters.

        GO Linda! I’m impressed.

        The big trouble with these bloody things is wanting another go as soon as it’s over, and it’s a long way ’til next Monday. LOL
        .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Birdwatching the Cavan Way =-.

  2. If it were a phrase, I’d have some whacky guesses. But I haven’t come up with a noun or adjective so far.

    What’s killing me is that I think I have seen this photo or one very much like it before, and I didn’t “get” it til I saw the answer, but I can’t think what it was…
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..A trip down memory lane… =-.

    1. Barbara — the photo is mine. I posted it in a photo challenge. The alphabet came from Amoeba. The idea is original. Don’t waste time on Google!

    1. Song? How’s this:

      And your time zone didn’t matter with this one. As I said, a twisted mind thought it up and only a twisted mind could solve it! Congrats, Twisted Sister!

      Speaking of which — do you want to be on the Punny Monday mailing list? I just send a Sunday night reminder email to everybody who requests inclusion.

      1. Woohoo!!!!

        The new song was kind of a hint, because of the “No L” joke you see around Christmas.

        Now I have a new twist to my talent of being able to say the alphabet backwards in less than 5 seconds! (Really! I learned it when I was a kid. And I won a book for doing it – not that fast – at a library party once in elementary school!)

        I’d love to be on the Punny Monday mailing list! Although I was champing at the bit last night – hence my going to find my own “tokien in my sleep” addition to my post!

        And twisted? I resemble that remark!!
        .-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Monday Miscellany =-.

    1. Thom — well, you could walk down and ask the neighbors why I keep taking pictures of their house and posting them on the internet ….

  3. Congrats Linda.
    I never would have got that in a million, zillion, trillion, squillion years.

    And it seems I am promoted to Tinkerbell! Sleepy Quilly! lol :0)
    .-= Thumbelina´s last blog ..The End. =-.

  4. Waving hello and wishing I could see the picture…I guess my pc has been off too long 🙂
    I am baaaack, I will try my best to post something in 12 hours.
    .-= Mar´s last blog ..end of season =-.

    1. Okay, Doug, it’s a little fishy, but it’s not really a red herring. There is no wire in the wire fence, so it is definitely wireless.

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