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    1. I’m getting excited. I want to see my new house and try my new jacuzzi tub and cook in my new kitchen — and I will miss all of my friends here. When I think of that some of my excitement wanes.

      1. Q..we got the internet…and your only what 2000 miles away…crap I can swim there ROFLMAO!!! oh and by the way, did you hit the panic button on the why Christmas trees are better than women? YIKES!!!!!!!
        .-= Thom´s last blog ..Some Christmas Cheer =-.

    1. Karen — BIG jacuzzi tub. And a luxury shower, too, I hear. When I get there I’ll share pictures! And I am trying to make this move fun for all of you! Are you telling me I am getting boring?

    1. Doug — my condolences. I would have for your to approach the day with any optimism. Better to start at the bottom so there’s no where to fall.

  1. True true…. Ahhhhhh…. but just LOOK at that KITCHEN! Shoot! That house is so gorgeous if you don’t like what’s going on in Friday’s Harbor, just stay in the house and pretend you’re ANYwhere!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Are We THERE Yet? =-.

  2. change can be exciting ut can also be a nightmare (personally, i’m terribly averse to change and sometimes i hate myself for that as things usually sort out by themselves)
    holidays and change… hmmm, why not, especially if it’s for the better
    .-= juliana´s last blog ..rain =-.

    1. Kelley — “crunch time” is how the world prepares for Christmas. That is as alien to me as it is to you. So, in order to write on the “crunch time” them I had to take a different tack.

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