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  1. My favorite flower and a beautiful picture !
    I just catched up on your posts, and see that you are in the middle of your moving ! Your new house is very pretty ! I am curious to read how you moving went and about the adventure to arrange all your furniture in the house ! Good luck !
    I had been in Holland to visit my oldest friend whom I know since 1951 ! It was just yesterday !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  2. hi Quilly…… what a great picture, a treat as we in the UK are battling through 8 inches of thick snow, ooooo I feel all warm now coming take care..xx

  3. i neded this 🙂
    it hasn’t stopped snowing (save for a few hours) here since monday. i’m desperate!
    .-= polona´s last blog ..*** =-.

  4. What a photograph! So full of sunshine, I love it!

    And when I look outside to the frozen wasteland that was once my garden, well…. *sigh* Enjoy YOUR winter coat next week! LOL Now we can look forward to Spring’s flowers together. I hope the weather’s good for you on Tuesday.
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Time to Say Goodbye =-.

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