Thom & Family
Thom and Family came to Friday Harbor on Friday and we enjoyed a bit of food and conversation. Here is the visit in pictures.
Thom on the balcony at our Friday Harbor Labs Apartment
taking a photo of Friday Harbor.
We gathered in Herb’s Tavern for food and talk.
(Left to Right: Thom’ mom, Julie;
Thom’s nephew, Conner;
Thom’s sil’s shoulder;
part of Thom’s brother;
the back of Thom’s niece’s head.
Thom and his niece, Emily (the birthday girl).
Thom with his momma, Julie.
It is easy to see where he gets his great smile, isn’t it?
This is Conner, Thom’s nephew;
Thom’s momma, Julie; and
Thom, trying to make certain you don’t all notice
that Conner is actually taller than Thom.
Thom’s brother, Tim; sister-in-law, Jane; and puphew, Pierre.
And, just so you know he is still
the Thom we know and love,
even in the presence of his family.
A fun time was had by all.
What a nice family ! and you have a lovely view out of your appartment !
.-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.
Gattina –you know this isn’t our home, right? IT doesn’t have a harbor view.
Looks like you had a great time! Thom is hilarious!
Betty — Thom is a riot.
Looks great. I like the term “puphew.” Howdy all.
.-= Doug´s last blog ..Bomb, or Bomb-shell =-.
Doug — you’d like Pierre, too. He’s quite the little love.
Lovely shots, Quilly. I can see that you had a great time. I agree to Gattina, you have a wonderful view from your balcony. Have a blessed week 🙂
.-= Rosidah Abidin´s last blog ..10th Wedding Anniversary =-.
Rosidah — I see that view from my favorite chair in the living room, too.
It looks like a fun time! Loved the list of body parts in the second photo and the ‘puphew’ LOL
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55, at cross purposes =-.
Susan — I knew somebody would get the humor in that.
I don’t think I have ever seen Thom in a jacket before! But it looks like there’s a Hawaiian shirt underneath. 🙂
Looks like a great time, and I agree, you have a lovely view from your balcony.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five =-.
Barbara — there probably was an Aloha shirt under Thom’s jacket. I can’t be certain though because he never took it off. He also did a lot of whining about the cold!
LOL! He looks “different” in a coat!!! Loooks like you guys had a BLAST! I’m glad you got to see each other!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Here We Go Again! =-.
Melli — he certainly seemed bigger in a coat, but he was the same old Thom — as the photos prove.
Wow, an up-the-nose shot of Thom… ack!
Looks like a great time was had by all – glad you got to see each other. You have a wonderful view from your place, Quilly!
.-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..6 Word Saturday =-.
Jenn — Thom said he hoped his nose hairs came out in focus. I can make that into a close up if you like?
What a fun weekend! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes Review & Giveaway =-.
Linda — my pleasure. We had fun. And actually, given time constraints, they were only here about 4 hours.
What a happy bunch :D!
Glad you all had a great time :)!
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Old and rusty =-.
Nicole — thanks. IT was grand.
Q it was great getting to see you and Charley…Of course you had to show everyone my nose hairs LOL..Me and my family had a great time being in Friday Harbor. It was real fun and yes cold. Thanks so much Q for having us over. Q just remember I have the shots of you and your new look which will be going up once I get home LOL. Yes that was an aloha shirt…that’s all I have other than my T-Shirts LOL. Mahalo Q. Much appreciated
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Emily =-.
Thom — I am very glad you got a photo of that hat becuse I loved it and I somehow managed to lose it that day!
Great shots of Thom, et al — as well as of Friday Harbor. BTW, why is it called Friday and not Saturday???
.-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Dis n Dat – Jan. 30, 2010 =-.
Because, Gigi, the Hawaiian native the island was named after was not Saturday, he was Friday. Joseph Paolima Friday. Amoeba wrote a history of Friday Harbor post some time back. You’ll find the Hawaiian origins of Friday Harbor in the 11th paragraph and on.
Mahalo for the link, Q. Nice to know the Hawaiian connection, but I guess we’ll never know WHY the harbor was named after him. I mean, what’s his claim to fame other than working for that company and raising sheep on San Juan Island?
I guess I should visit Thom’s blog to see what he’s all about — especially since he lives in Hawaii LOL.
.-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Dis n Dat – Jan. 30, 2010 =-.
Gigi — Thom just made 20 years as a Hawaii Public Transit driver. His claim to fame is having every bus route memorized. 😉
Joe Paolima Friday got the island named after him by virtue of being the only one who officially lived here!
Loved seeing Thom and family pics!! The one of his mother with him is especially nice. and just so you know, your humor is seldom lost on any of us…. we just dont always mention it … (or how bazzar it is at times,LOL). xoxooxo C
Caryl — I know my humor can be bizarre, but I think it is the reult of family influence. I actually have a sister who thinks Mary Had a Little Lamb is beautiful when sang as an operatic solo.
good old thom! 😉
nice to see (other than read) you had a great time
.-= polona´s last blog II =-.
Polona — It seems any more I am running at full speed in order to remain ony one step behind!
I’m glad you had such a nice visit with Thom and his family. Hopefully he’ll be able to visit again soon.
.-= Silverneurotic´s last blog ..Meet Me In Atlantic City =-.
SN — June, I believe.
So glad Thom and his family were able to come for a visit. And what a handsome family! Are they still with you?
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Fun Monday – Movie Critic Central =-.
I’m finally getting back here to see this series of pictures! I love the “puphew” and seeing Thom having fun with his family while visiting you. And if you have to be living in an apartment, that is a pretty awesome view!
All of these pictures of the PacNW are making me homesick.
It probably doesn’t help that it was 18 degrees outside this weekend.
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Monday Madness =-.
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