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55 Flash Fiction Friday


Flash 55 is hosted by G-Man (Mr. Knowitall). Click the picture above or the link for more information. All you have to do to join in is write a story in exactly 55 words then trip over to G-Man’s blog and let him know you’ve posted your 55.

Although Thom has been nagging me for weeks — months even — about joining Flash 55, every Friday catches me unprepared. This week however, Dr. John’s passing has focused my thoughts on the things I am going to miss about him. I know not one of you will be surprised to hear that I am going to miss his horrible puns. I created this 55 Flash Fiction Friday entry in honor of Dr. John.


Young Antoine Bleu hated vegetables with a passion. He didn’t care if he never saw another green bean, pea, carrot, squash, turnip, radish, tomato or rutabaga again in his life, and he told his mother so.

She said, “Tough. You’re working in the garden anyway,” and handed him a rake. “Little Boy Bleu, go hoe your corn.”


  1. OMG;…be still my heart. You did one and it’s brilliant. Better to hoe his corn than ho it ROFLMAO!!! Well done Q and in honor of Dr; John to boot 🙂 Woo Hoooooo
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.

    1. Linda — don’t tell anyone, but that was work! I spent 2 days pondering puns before I came up with a line and a scenario that worked.

  2. Quilly….
    At Long Last!
    Thank you so much for this Perfect tribute to Doc.
    We should all be so loved…
    Excellent 55 My Dear,
    I hope that you found this to be challenging, creative, and FUN!!
    Please join the Funfest again, you are always welcome…
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End….Galen

    1. Patti — I am sorry I am so hard to find, but there’s not much else I can do for blogs that don’t have a way for non-Blogger users to sign in.

  3. In the tradition of Dr. John….well done. I actually did laugh out loud (hate those text type abreviations). Also, thank you for your kind comment on my 55. Much appreciated.

  4. Hi Quilly –

    I rec’d your comment on my blog – your mother was talented! I had to read the last few words twice in your 55 !!

  5. what a great tribute to Dr. John I know when he read it he loved it and I know he’s probasbly looking down at all of our tributes to him and smiling but also saying no way am i coming back or even leavin this place you think i’m nuts?.
    thanks for stopping by,leaving the comment you left on “This Blog Of Mine” i surely appreciate them tremendously and also all my fellow flash 55’ers.
    .-= larry ´s last blog ..Romance In The Air =-.

    1. Larry — if his wife’s tears didn’t move him to return, our tributes certainly wouldn’t tempt him; but I imagine Dr. John is content in heaven in his wonderful, healthy new body and unwilling to shed it for the shackles of earth.

  6. I’m not sure we have met before. Thank you for your comment on my blog.

    I loved this 55. You say it is a first one, but it reads like you have been writing 55s for quite a while.


  7. I was in my greenhouse today (an amazing 85 degrees!) planting lettuce and spinach so this one made me smile. A cool take on Little Boy Blue for sure. Have a nice weekend!

  8. Hi Quilly, Thanks for visiting my 55 and commenting, much appreciated. And I was expecting a totally different ending, very cute 55! So sorry to hear about your dear
    friend Dr. John, the peace he’s feeling now is well deserved. :))

  9. Bravo! LOL
    What a wealth of puns and groaners we all came up with this week for such a wonderful man; he’s still an inspiration!

    Thom CAN be an awful nag, can’t he? (you see I had to wait a few days so I could say that without him seeing—-)
    But he IS!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #19 =-.

    1. Susan — Dr. John will be long missed. And yes, Thom is a horrid nag. He’s also bossy. It is amazing how so many horrid traits can make up such a wonderful man.

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