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We’ve unpacked an amazing amount of boxes and still have a ton more to go, however, we are sleeping on our own bed in our own house tonight! Yay! The bedroom and the bathrooms are all set up. I managed frozen pizza and green salad for dinner tonight and have juice and cinnamon loaf to toast for breakfast tomorrow. I have also located the tea.

Amoeba’s office is almost together. Mine is a mess but since I ordered a new desk, I don’t see any point in trying to set up until it comes. Tomorrow I will finish packing and clean the apartment, then we will once again, officially, have only one residence.

While I worked in the house today, Amoeba mowed our new yard for the first time. The grass was long and a bit wet so it was a pretty hard task. It looks good though — that bright, fresh green that comes with Spring. Amoeba was also excited to see his bicycle again. He immediately plumped up the tires and took the thing for a spin around the neighborhood. He says he is riding his bike to work tomorrow even though I am driving over with the car.


  1. I’m glad your stuff is here and you are moved in. Now to get settled.
    If you want to start on your office lay out a ‘dead man’ chalk or other outline of where our desk will go. Then just stack up all the junk and stuff that goes in and onto your desk when it arrives. Of course the other stuff can go where it should, file cabnets, shelves, etc.
    That way you can use your office the day your desk come. I would hate to see you procrasintating using the excuse of waiting for a desk.
    Okay? 🙂
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Homeless in America — MidWeek Blues — =-.

      1. Jim — I have the entire rest of the house to worry about. If I get started in my personal space too quickly, I may not get to everything else. There’s method to my madness.

  2. Glad you got all your self. Busy Busy day. I will have no 3WT this week. No words 🙂 PS your blog for me is very slow again

  3. I can just imagine Amoeba and the bike! It hadn’t occurred to me that he was without it — furniture and other stuff yes, but the BIKE! As much as he loved riding it in Hawaii (except for some drivers’ idiocy), I’ll bet he was REALLY happy to see it! Island traffic can’t possibly be worse than what he dealt with over there, so he should be a lot safer – if somewhat wetter on occasion!

    Blessings in your new home. NOW I will send your book prize – I was waiting until you wouldn’t have to move it around!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.

    1. Thanks, Kelley. Didn’t you know we have been using this mailbox since we arrived on the island? We don’t live far from the Labs so one of us woul just buzz over and check the box almost daily. It pretty much fit in with our other chores.

      1. Yeah, but it sounded like a good excuse to me to avoid the post office. Okay, now chastened, I will proceed first thing tomorrow a.m. after dropping off daughter for her class.

        By the way -about those moving boxes. When we were in Texas we were told to not store cardboard boxes because roaches love them. Since your boxes came from HI anywhere, where that can be an issue . . . Amoeba will undoubtedly have the scientific perspective on this, but it’s worth asking the question out loud! I hate roaches.

  4. empty boxes!

    don’t throw them away!


    if you keep just one you may be jinxed!
    let me explain –

    one time, i had a baby
    as he grew out of his clothes
    i washed ’em and folded ’em
    and put them away

    years later
    i found the box
    opened it
    saw baby clothes
    “i don’t need these”
    and tossed ’em

    soon after
    i realised
    another baby was coming!

    after that
    i never threw away baby clothes
    i gave them away

    but one time
    i forgot and threw some away

    soon after
    i realised
    another baby was coming!

    if you throw away the boxes
    you’ll may have to move again!

    recycle recycle recycle
    .-= tilden´s last blog ..Autumn Nuptuals… =-.

    1. Tilden — I told Amoeba I wanted to recycle them. HE wants to keep them. Okay, but we are storing all 62 of them in his office! 😉

  5. Now that’s the kind of busy you don’t mind. You’re things have been packed away for so long that you have probably forgotten what is in most of those boxes? Have fun playing house!
    .-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Inside Looking Out =-.

  6. Glad that your things arrived and you are getting settled in. Oh, if it was me I’d of heated the pizza instead of serving frozen, less chance of chipping a tooth. :}
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #20 =-.

  7. Wow how exciting sleeping for the first time in your new house ! I can smell the freshly cut grass until here !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Gattina — we were so happy to hve our bed back, we didn’t even fret over sleeping in a strange place. We just laid down and went soundly to sleep!

  8. YAAAAAAY! How cool for you! I had to laugh over Tilden’s reasons for not throwing things away! LOL! I’m a tosser! I recycle too — depends what it is. I thought the moving companies would take the boxes back…. can’t you just call them to come get them when they’re empty?

    Congrats on that terrific night’s sleep!!! Home Sweet Home!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen… #26 =-.

    1. Melli — the ferry ride is an hour either way. We have to pay for the riding time and the waiting for the return ferry time. I think we’ll put the boxes in the reccyle bin, or see if they’ll go on Free Cycle.

  9. Oh, by the way… speaking of weather and mowin’ grass and stuff… WHERE is it written that the Pacific Northwest gets SPRING (apparently at least a few WEEKS) before the mid-Atlantic??? That is sO not fair! *stomps foot*
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen… #26 =-.

    1. A fair complaint, Melli. After all, Seattle is at 48 degrees north latitude, while Maryland is at 39 degrees N, about 630 miles closer to the Equator. On the 1st of March in the Seattle area:

      the redwinged blackbirds had arrived

      pacific tree frogs (western equivalent of spring peepers) had started chorusing

      cherry trees were in full bloom, along with daffodils, forsythia, heather, hellebore, japonica, pansies, primroses, and wild currants.

      crocuses, witch hazel, and pussy willows had already gone by.

      oh, and the grass was green (had been all winter) and growing.

      Has your snow melted yet? 😛

  10. I´m so glad you are living in your house! I haven´t been around to the blogs in a while and am trying to catch up. Sounds like you will have enough to do for the next days. How´s the job hunting going?
    .-= Betty´s last blog ..Short but sweet vacation =-.

  11. Guess that makes you an official Washingtonian…your stuff is here! Good luck with the unpacking…any breakage?
    .-= shelly´s last blog ..Sedums =-.

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