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Microfiction Monday #22

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
I like to use my 140 characters to tell
the most complicated story possible.
That means you have to be prepared to read between the lines.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!

No Greater Love

Understanding the cost in trade, Maestro Cherry still begged the Turquoise Fairy to make the puppet-daughter he loved human.

Despite the cost in trade, Maestro Cherry was pleased that the Turquoise Fairy made the puppet-daughter he loved human.


Please forgive my drastic edit after many had read the story.  I didn’t make the first one clear enough.


      1. You sure you didn’t change this? I could have sworn I read about a throne on here because I was going to say that when I’m king of the world she could be my queen. And No I ain’t sniffing anything or smoking anything illegal either
        .-= Thom´s last blog ..March’s Photo Contest: Springtime =-.

        1. I am absolutely positive that you’ve lost your mind, but it wasn’t over this post. I wrote two stories for this pic and and accidentally posted the wrong one. I had it down in SECONDS, so you must have gotten here FAST!

          1. Okay so you see where my comment is coming from then. It most certainly doesn’t fit this story. I knew I read something different LOL Anyway, this is excellent as well.. Maestro Cherry looks like he might ask to be turned human as well LOL. Good one!!
            .-= Thom´s last blog ..March’s Photo Contest: Springtime =-.

          2. Thom [shakes head] the COST of Maestro’s Cherry’s wish that his wooden daughter be made human was that he himself be turned to wood! I hope everyone else gets this or I wasted several hours of my life crafting the perfect story.

          3. Pffft…you know you can always rely on me to be a thorn in your side or pain in your ass LOL Well if you look at the picture it looks like the wooden statue to me is doing the thinking looking at the puppet daughter. The wooden statue looks like a man not a girl. The girl is in the front!!!
            .-= Thom´s last blog ..March’s Photo Contest: Springtime =-.

          4. EXACTLY, Thom. The man wished his puppet-daughter alive and HE became wood. Although at this point I am willing to argue that men are so dense they’re already wood!

            You and Amoeba being my test cases! Argh!

          1. Thom — if you’re mango wood that explains everything. Mango is related to poison ivy. No wonder you’re so irritating! MWAH!

        2. Well you see now people are understanding it so it takes the dunce of the bunch to speak up…I have cream for that poison ivy if ya need it. Now I wonder where I can get Anti-Quilly rash cream? Any ideas? MWAH!!!
          .-= Thom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #22 =-.

          1. Well, Thom, if you promise not to tell anybody I’ll tell the truth — when you didn’t get it, I asked Amoeba to read it and tell me what he thought it said. I figured if he agreed with you, the mistake was mine.

          2. That was sort of an admission that I MIGHT have needed to clarify the story, but since you didn’t get that either, I stand vindicated.

        1. Doug — I do believe she has a time or two! Are you coming to Friday Harbor to meet her when she visits this Summer? Warning — Thom & his mama will be here, too!

  1. Loved your take on the picture. I had such trouble with this one, I started out thinking of abuse and was stalled , couldn’t write it!
    Went to the whimsical side.
    Yours brought a lot of emotions, and i just loved it!
    .-= Peggy´s last blog ..Musical Monday 1 =-.

        1. Karen — that’s partly why I left the crossed out version there. AND, so that those who read the first version wouldn’t be too confused when they returned.

  2. A weekend away was very good for your creativity! Wow. The price we pay for what we “really” want is often more than we expected.

    It reminds me a little of Jepthah’s vow…not making rash promises. Judges 11:29-40
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.

  3. OMG.
    So many of us write captions and silliness (and believe me I do like captions and silliness too) but THIS is a real story, and it’s so beautiful!

    I just knew there was a story in this photo when I took it nearly a year ago — never found it. But this was it! And oh wow, what a punch it has.

    Thanks Quilly.

    Okay now I’m going back up to read the comments — looks like Thom got busy up there.
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55: About Time =-.

    1. Susan — that wooden man spoke to me of pain and the girl looked so lonely. I asked them why and they told me this story.

  4. We’re on spring break down here so I’m way behind the cure on this one. I love that picture. It doesn’t look sinister to me, just contemplative.

    Glad I didn’t miss Punny Monday since I slept in!
    .-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Please Pray =-.

    1. Linda — To me it seems pain-filled. I truly enjoy how we can all look at the same thing and our own personal experiences lead us to different emotions.

  5. For so few words, you create such a TALE!
    For so many comments, you are much loved.

    Great job, Quilly.

    I hope you will join the WEEKEND FUNNIES,
    you can too cute not to be able to write some
    original jokes!

    Sorry I am late this week,
    Been really busy shopping for colleges
    With my daughter! Lol

    Happy MM!

    Have you a WONDROUS WEEK!


    If you would like to visit me, Memories,After School and The Something Meme
    .-= shakira´s last blog ..W33K3ND FUNNI3S-SILLY HAIKUS =-.

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