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April 6th — Poetry Playing

Spring rain
fresh, clean, pure
heralds a season of change
bright, crisp, dazzling
Fall gold


Poetry Playing, Day 6
Prompt: Spring rain, Fall gold

It’s National Poetry Month.  Write a poem!  (Or two.)

Sensational Haiku Wednesday ~ Decisions

Jenn from, You Know … that blog?,
hosts Sensational Haiku Wednesday.

This week’s theme is:

Join the fun!


Where should I begin?
I have much to accomplish.
Let’s start with a nap.



  1. i would like spring rain much better if it wasn’t around all the time (truth be told, we’ve had two days of sunshine now). still, a delightful little poem. and nap sounds like good advice 🙂

  2. When you take a nap
    Do you wear a cap?
    Or do you feel a pea
    That isn’t in the sea
    For all your gold
    This poem should fold

    Excellent Haiku and wonderful poem 🙂

  3. I can feel the freshness of spring 🙂
    Your haiku hit the nail on the top. That’s how I like to begin my decisions.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Quilly.

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