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    1. Polona — it also made a mediocre shot into something worth looking at! I tried to salvage it because I loved the composition and the “feeling” but the edges were a little too soft and the color was almost monochrome with the sky being pretty much the same pink as the flower.

    1. Doug — I’m having trouble putting a positive spin on the wrinkles on my face, but I seem to manage just fine white-washing (or rather, rose-washing) everything else!

  1. when seasons change and the flowers fade, that signals a new beginning. new buds will soon bloom. nature always has a way of showing off its beauty. brilliant haiku, quilly 🙂

    thanks for the nice comment on my post and for mentioning Isaiah 61:3. indeed a garment of praise is far more fulfilling than nurturing a spirit of despair. during my darkest moments, i held on to my favorite Isaiah verse- “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

    again, thank you so much!

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