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Chosen Ones, by Alister McGrath


Chosen Ones

by Alister McGrath

The Aedyn Chronicles
Book One

Pam Mettler of Zondervan has offered a
of, Chosen Ones, to five of my readers.

About The Book:

From the Zondervan Website:
The land of Aedyn has been overtaken by mysterious lords who trust only in their own reason. Two children called from our world have the power to lead the revolution, but will they find the courage to face their own destiny?

About The Author:

From the Zondervan Website:
Alister E. McGrath is a historian, biochemist, and Christian theologian born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. McGrath, a longtime professor at Oxford University, now holds the Chair in theology, ministry, and education at the University of London. He is the author of several books on theology and history.

My Thoughts:
This Zonderkids fantasy novel is very well written, has compelling characters and enough peril in the plot to keep the pages turning.  I’ve not finished it yet but I am quite enjoying it.  As a certified reading teacher I can tell you that this would be a favored book in a fantasy lover’s library.  An adult reader will find many similarities between the Aedyn Chronicles and the Chronicles of Narnia, but despite sharing many parallels the stories are different.  Moreover, Chosen Ones is written in a fresh, modern voice which will quickly engage it’s reader.

The Rules:

The contest begins at midnight on June 7th, 2010 and ends at midnight on June 14th, 2010.

Contestants will compete for points.  The five top point winners will each receive a free copy of Chosen Ones from Pam Mettler of Zondervan Publishing.  Winners will need to share their names and mailing addresses at the close of the contest.

In the event that a tie results for 5th place, the winner will be chosen by the random number generator.

Void where prohibited, taxed, etc. Winner responsible for any and all taxes and or fees assessed with being declared the winner.

Point system:

2 pts for commenting on this post (only your first comment will count)

2 pts for commenting on any post this week (6/7-14/2010) that contains a verbal or visual reference to the contest (only your first comment will count)

5 pts for posting about this contest on your own blog (must notify me)
— plus 1 additional point for each blogger who comments on that post (must have name link to their blog)
— plus 1 additional point for each person who comments on this post and says you sent them

3 points (once daily) for Tweeting about the contest. Tweet must include @quilldancer and this link ( to this post.


  1. The book sounds fun and we all know i like fantasy and series books but i now have a headache from all of that math.

  2. Well, I’m in. I’ll post it on my blog shortly. I hope I win, I hope I win. I won pizza… who knows…

  3. Oops…. I read the rules wrong. But I have posted on my blog. All three readers (alas, you are one of them) will hopefully drop by.

  4. .
    Oh Quilly, I am sooooo behind. I think I will never catch up, I can’t.

    Your book sounds interesting. Since I’m time-poor for sure I wouldn’t be n the top number of points. So either our county or church library might get it. Thank you for doing this.
    Since I am behind, I decided to at least read to the bottom of this page. I like your new settee and it is nice that Ella can christian it. With the new couch to match you are really uptown.

    You have lots of ambition to do that container garden. It is looking good too. Is the fence to keep the deer out? The holes seem like a rabbit filter. Rabits get in, deer stay our (unless they can jump–we watched TNT’s movie, The Yearling, last night, ).

    I hope the books go to good owners,

    1. Jim — the “fence” is the rail around my deck. I am hoping the the staircase to get up onto the deck is what will keep the deer out.

    1. Melissa — correct – -visit every post that mentions the book and collect more and more points. You might try out a few of the other ways to earn points, too!

  5. Thanks for changing the button so quickly! Wahoo! (I already have the book on this post, so don’t put me in the drawing.) 😛

    1. Alice — you and Brian have put Nessa securely in the lead. You’ve also earned yourself 2 pts if you wish to compete. To tweet you could just copy and paste this in the Twitter box:

      Win a copy of THE CHOSEN ONES by Alistair McGrath, on @Quilldancer: details at

        1. Recorded. Your comment plus your tweet equals 5 pts. Every comment on every one of my Chosen Ones posts is worth 2 pts.

  6. Barbara SENT me! I saw it first at her blog – although I couldn’t get IN to her blog to comment. I’ll try again now.

Comments are closed.