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Build a Better Story, by Hank Quense

About the Book:
Build a Better Story, by Hank Quense contains a wealth of information and advice on fiction writing. It provides positive guidance for both new and experienced fiction writers. For the newer fiction writers, the book offers a solid approach to beginning a story. Besides advice on such basics as motivation, characterization and plotting, it offers guides that can be used to assist in developing the characters and story construction. Experienced fiction writers will find it a useful guide to break out of the bad writing habits we all develop over time. They will also find a fresh approach to story design and construction that will offer them a different way to build their next story.

Hank Quense

About the Author:
Hank Quense lives in Bergenfield, N.J. where he happily writes humorous and/or satirical science fiction and fantasy stories.  Quense’s published works include short story and article sales to many domestic and international magazine publications, as well as a book of short stories and three novels available in both paperback and e-book formats from Amazon, and — of course — Build a Better Story.

My Thoughts:
We all know I can write, but I never seem to finish a story.  I always lose my direction and motivation about midway through.  I write my hero or heroine into some situation I just don’t know how to get them out of, or they go from zing to boring in 60 words or less.  In other words, I know how to write well, but I lack something in the story creating department — and without story all the writing talent in the world don’t make a dang bit of difference.

Enter Hank Quense and Build a Better Story.  Quense has given me the tools I need to look at story creation.  He outlines and comprehensively details the essential story crafter’s skills and tasks: story construction; character motivations; character development; plotting the story; writer’s patience; scene construction; humor writing; point of view; how to get started; writing tips; elements of writing for daytime TV; and 14 details listed as Odds & Ends.   Some of what Quense says I have heard before, but much of what he provides in this book details the business of writing — how to get down and get the work done.

If you’re a writer without the know how to craft story, or without the necessary skills to get you from the initial idea to the last word on the last page of your book, Build a Better Storywill provide you with motivation and direction. The book is well written and easy to read. I can’t speak for implementation yet, but I am about to give it a try.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Hank Quense.  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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