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Microfiction Monday #46

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!

“Ow!  Ma!  Why’d ya hit me?”

“Junior, when you sayed you was takin’ me some place cool, I thunked ya meant away from dis dagnam heat!”


  1. This would almost be something my Mom would do or I would do to her-hehe- I’m so going to be giggling in my sleep tonight as I think about this.

    1. Melli — I’ve heard all three words from various members of my family. My father rarely curses so these were his words.

  2. LOL! As hot as I get, I think I’d be disappointed, too, if I had thought we were going somewhere cool and ended up in a town named Coolville. I wonder if it was named in the 60s.

  3. How did you KNOW this was taken in Appalachia? ROFL And yes, we’ve been sitting (settin’ ?) around the mall and Dairy Queen lately, with the rest of the rednecks, enjoying the free air conditioning.

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