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Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, It’s Off to Town I Go

Well, actually, I went.  I am back now.  I took the ferry to the mainland today then drove in to Oak Harbor for an Avon Sales meeting and  I had a wonderful encounter with God along the way.

This morning I loaded the stuff into my car that I had to take to the meeting.  I got my shopping list, made certain I had money, and took my camera. I put a blanket, my hat, coat and gloves in the back seat (waiting in line for the ferry can get cold this time of year).   I took a couple of books to read while crossing the Sound and I stopped and got a Mocha as well.

Unfortunately, I forgot my directions, but I was comforted by the knowledge that I knew which street the meeting was on, and I was certain if I racked my brains hard enough I would even remember the name of the restaurant — but no amount of thinking pulled up anything but Angelo’s — and I knew it wasn’t there.

That’s when it dawned on me to check my email.  I was pretty certain I hadn’t deleted the message — so I pulled into the K-Mart parking lot and grabbed my phone.  As it turns out, the directions I had memorized were for tomorrow’s meeting!  Today’s meeting was at The American Legion Hall on Barrington Rd.  Great, I thought.  Where the heck is Barrington Rd?  I looked around and didn’t see anyone in the parking lot, but there was a gas station next door so I headed there — and on the way I noticed that K-Mart is on the corner of Highway 20 and Barrington Rd.

The first thing I did was say, Thank you, God.  He knew exactly when to nudge me to pull over.  So, I had Barrington Rd.  Next, I needed the American Legion.  Left or right?  Left or … the left turn arrow lit up, so left it was.  When the left turn arrow lit, I drove right by the gas station where I was going to get directions.  Once on Barrington Rd I was thinking that wasn’t such a good idea.  I could be going the wrong way.

I saw the post office as I passed it.  I thought, I’ll get directions there.  So at the next corner I pulled into a parking lot to turn around and there was the American Legion Hall.  I looked at my watch.  I had about 7 minutes to spare.  And again I said thank you, God.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that I could drive to a city I don’t know (with a population of roughly 20,000 people) and blunder my way directly to where I was supposed to be.  Whenever I go on a road trip I ask God to come with me.  I think my drive today is proof he did.   God is faithful even in the little things.


  1. What an amazing story, Quilly!!! Wow! Something like that has never happened to me. But, I am so anal that I never forget my directions at home. lol.

  2. God does stuff like this for me all of the time and thank goodness he does. He is never to busy and nothing is ever too menial.

  3. Into her nineties, My Pauline, continued to drive several hours to visit her cousin. I asked her very gently one day (she could be intractable, but always lovingly so!) if she could get someone to ride with her so that she wouldn’t be making that drive alone. She replied that she was never alone, her Lord was always right there in the passenger seat…and he was. The two times that she did have minor issues with her car, “angel persons” stopped to assist her.

    She just passed away on January 2nd at 98 years old and I’m so happy to have an occasion to relate this story. Her son and I divorced in 1980 but she and I remained closely tied to the end.

  4. It is a great story, Quilly. I would change the last line though. Instead of God is faithful even in the little things, I’d say God is faithful especially in the little things. That way we learn to rely on Him as absolutely trustworthy!

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