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Where Has Quilly Been?

Quilly has been Spring cleaning.  Her house is lovely again.  She still needs to muck out the laundry room, the garage and her office.  That might take longer than Spring, especially since good weather will find her working on her yard/garden instead of her house.

My house is so clean and shiny that the other day when the landlord stopped in he stepped over the threshold and froze.  Slowly he looked the living room over, then he exclaimed, “Do you folks actually live here?”  Then he took his shoes off and made his way to the kitchen to check out my dead microwave.  I had just finished mopping after having washed the cupboards and the counters and polishing the stainless steel appliances.  When he got to the kitchen he stopped again.  The place looked like it was ready for a Beautiful Homes photo shoot.  The landlord turned around and looked at me and said, “You must be anal.”  I actually think he was relieved to see the garage a mess!

Quilly has been typing.  I have been given 12 typing jobs.  Since I am getting paid they must be done.   They are big jobs so I will do one a day (except Sundays and tomorrow)  until they are done.

And now — where is Quilly going?  Amoeba has to get his stitches out so we will be away tomorrow.  If I don’t answer Punny Monday until late evening, don’t panic!

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I looked around my place froem my laptop and I am happy nobody is coming over this morning…. Spring cleaning is planned when the pollen from the pine trees stops, for the time being everything outdoors (and a bit indoors!) has a yellow touch…glad I am not allergic to this.

  2. Quilly, I think your experience of not having had a home makes you very appreciative of the one you have. Add the blessing of a beloved one to share it with, and that’s the perfect combination to inspire cleaning!

    Of course, not having teens or a pet around making a mess helps keep it that way — but the inspiration is clearly LOVE. Well done!

  3. Spring cleaning is what was on my agenda this past weekend. Did it happen? Nope. I will try again this coming weekend. If only the house would stay that squeeky clean….sigh.

  4. Wow,
    spring cleaning…
    yah, I could do that,
    or I could read those library books I just picked up


  5. Oh my you’re making me feel so guilty. I can’t raise the energy to spring clean. My excuse? Doesn’t feel enough like spring yet. Still too cold. Now I’ll have to get going.

    Well….maybe not just yet… think I’ll go back to my knitting!

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