Competition Escalates
Over 4000 votes were cast Tuesday. Lori and Donna have pulled far in the lead. Two contests still rage. One for first place, one between Sarah and Jenn for third. (But Jenn’s not a third place kind of person so there may be a shake up coming).
When Donna emailed me last night that she was giving up and letting Lori have the win, someone from England (love my sitemeter) picked up Donna’s cause and kept those votes pouring in. That’s probably due to the shamless plug Donna put up on two of her blogs with links to my blog and pleas for help.
With this battle raging on I have to look again at the prizes — certificates validating the greatest liars. Somehow that seems too little for so much clicking. I am thinking that each certificate should include a band aid for the clicking finger. I am sorry, you will have to provide your own wrist braces.
I want to share with you this true story from my childhood on the consequences of over-zealous competition. It is on my Reflections of Childhood blog. Please click and read. And if you want me to toss in a vote for your name, leave a post.
hi..does that mean that you didn’t accept the 6 million votes we send our way for Dr. John?
Chana, your 6 million votes for Dr. John are indeed welcome, but you will have to push the little button yourself. I am Switzerland. Completely impartial to anything but currency — and that I will take from anybody. However, at a dollar a vote I am seriously looking forward to doing business with you.
Just a question: I know I’m new here but if this is a liar’s contest can’t you just make up the vote totals? And the contestants for that matter?
Doug — hush — they haven’t figured that out yet!
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