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Not My Usual Post ….

Today I am the guest poster at Bestest Blog of All-Times. Pop on over and take a peek.

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. ~unknown

Reading through the Stupid Criminal Files is mind-boggling. This is where you meet the less intelligent family members of Dumb and Dumber. Every true story is linked to it’s original news source, Reuters, Associated Press, Fox News, etc.

The blog begins in January of 2005. My pick for stupid criminal of the month is the 40 year-old Wisconson man who stole a GPS Tracking Devise. Hello? That February a puffed up bankrobber used his cell phone to call his favorite local radio station and boast ON AIR about the heist; while actor, Tom Seizemore, had a staring role in an impromptu piece entitled, Fake Urine + Fake Penis = Jail. In March a Police Chief Drives Drunk. April leads us to Norway where two robbers attempt a getaway in a row boat even though both of them lack Rowing Skills; then back to Las Vegas and Los Angeles for the infamous, Wendy’s Chili Finger Case. In August a business man sexually assaulted a sleeping woman on an airplane — where his chances of escape were seriously limited — and earned the title, Brave But Stupid. December offers the charming Yuletide story of the Pickpocket at Police Christmas Party.

The New Year brings a fresh crop of criminals. January of 2006 begs the question, How Dumb Can One Be?, when an angry man headbutts a car windshield and gets stuck; and a Mugger Hides in a Tiger Cage. April brings a slew of SCF Tips — pointers for criminals with excessively low IQs. SCF Tip: In Jail? Remember, They’re Watching You, points out that when you are in jail, you really shouldn’t contact your friend to cover your drug trade.

The Stupid Criminal File has three contributors: Kicknit, Female Law Power, and G-MAN. They welcome contributions from sharp-eyed readers providing they send the source of the original news item. One such item is the sad tale of Snowy the Goat, who was Kid-napped (I couldn’t resist). Another irresistable tale is, In Brief, the story of two clueless crooks clad in skivvies — as face masks.

Reading the Stupid Criminal File may not raise your IQ, but it will certainly make you feel more intelligent (unless, of course, your story is here), and leave you laughing as well.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. i love comedy, to laugh and comedians and for me these stories are that..their gift to the world..i know their is some sadness to their sillyness but i rather laugh…thanks for sharing them..

  2. lol It’s hard to imagine some of the things people will do. I’m on my way to the Bestest Blog.

    I hope you’re having a great day at school – minus any fire drills. 🙂

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