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Return to Routine

It’s raining it’s pouring! And the desert is wet! Yay!

Today I returned to the gym. I haven’t gone since school started. The first week of school I was too exhausted at the end of the day. Then I re-injured my knee and could barely walk, let alone exercise. By the time my knee healed I was liking my new lazy routine. Shame on me.

I probably wouldn’t have returned to the gym today, but on Tuesday one of the teachers on my team mentioned the gym. I asked her what time she went — right after school — and I suggested we go together. Since I was scheduled to lead the Wednesday night prayer and praise service at church, tonight was the first night we attended together.

I weighed in to see how much damage I’d done during my month and a half absence. I actually lost 1.5 pounds. Okay, maybe it isn’t a major accomplishment, but hey, it is better than gaining.

I didn’t do the tape measure thing. The scales were traumatic enough. I stretched in, made three trips around the circuit — talking all the while — and stretched out. I didn’t raise my heart beat more than 21/10, but I still think I did pretty well for my first day back.

Now, let’s see how I feel about tomorrow morning.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I recently started back to the gym too. Just this week. They first day is the hardest. Good for you!!!

  2. hello. i feel terribly bad that i have not been around here much. i have missed tons.

    i thank you for you caring comments. i am comforted by so much care and love. Sandy is being moved to a hospice. it’s the Thansgiving long wknd here so we are not sure exactly when…it’s from hour to hour wait and see…
    i’m much calmer. i honestly believe that my writting about it so much is helping. i’m sorry though that is back to back sad posts..

    i am trying to catch up on your posts. i was very upset for you for the one night you woke up scared for it reminded of your ex. i have had many of those moment and they are truly frightening. i’m so sorry you felt that fear and stress even for a second. sometimes no matter how far away we get from some things, our subconscious still remembers mighty well and it comes out once in a while..i wish i could have been there to comfort you or at least commented on it earlier. i hope you know that all of you, all of your lives are very important to me. i’m sorry i let the ball drop.

    i love you much. i would love to have someone go with me back to Curves..i did good there but i do well as long as i have someone to go with and talk while i’m there..either way i should get my butt back in there and make a friend or two…
    will let you know how many excuses i come up with…lol..

    hope you have a wonderful wknd. pls know i love you much. hope you are not sore tomorrow.

  3. congratulations on the rain, the return to your healthy routine, and the surprise weight loss! (i lovelovelove it when i discover i’ve lost weight–especially when i haven’t been trying!)

    hope you enjoy a fabulous weekend, free of the aches and pains so often associated with exercising after a wee bit o’ time off! xo

  4. Congrats on your rain, healing and gym experiences!! Still lazy here on the home front and ‘excusing’ my way out of the exercise routine as usual…….quite proud of you though because I do know how tough it really is when you trully do not feel like going!!! Hang in there…..the alternative stinks!!
    love ya, C

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