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Twenty Minutes Past Breakfast

The Background:
I work at an “at risk” school. Breakfast and lunch are 100% free. Our entire school eats breakfast together every morning at the same time. This morning we had Total cereal, orange juice and 1% milk. Mini pancakes were available, but there was no syrup or butter (sugar and fat have been cut from the menus) so very few kids ate them.

The Story:
I put a couple of Air Wick Fresh-Matic air fresheners in my classroom over the weekend. I set them to spray every twenty minutes. This morning my reading class came in and settled around my chair. I opened a book and began to read aloud. The air freshener sprayed and suddenly the air was filled with the scent of papayas and mangos.

My students inhaled as a group, exhaled on a sigh, and four of them said in unison, “Now I’m hungry!” The rest agreed.

I calmed them and went back to reading the story — about hungry mice who were trying to steal fresh vegetables from a cat-guarded garden. Rudy said, “My breakfast wore off!” Issaic agreed, “Yeah, even vegetables sound good.”

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. You’ll have to switch that air freshner to some flower scent! Of course then the kids will just want to go outside all day.

  2. You are talking about something I miss. The smell of something good or bad. I would need some sugar on those pancakes in some form.

  3. I get THAT hungry sometimes too… *sigh* πŸ™‚

    I’ve put up the last installment of my weekend … if you’re interested!

  4. Maybe you have something marketable here. “Just turn on The Appetizer spray after starving your children and they’ll even eat vegetables! The Appetizer. Comes in seventeen fruit and vegetable scents.”

    I’d hate to think which scents would be use for the de-appetizer for weight loss.

  5. Geeze Beady posts about turkey, your posting about cereal and pancakes and Im trying my best NOT to go to the fridge! lol.

  6. Sounds like you’re very lucky you didn’t buy the Fresh-matic “Macaroni and Cheese” air freshener. They’d have attacked you.

    (And, congratulations! You WON!)

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