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Post 300 & a Meme

Today is my 202nd day as a blog host, and this is my 300th post. Dang. I talk too much. Big surprise there, huh?

Alphabet Meme (lifted from Gary)

A. Attitude? Generally sunny. Lately: STRESSED
B- Best apples? Granny Smith (with salt)
C- Cooking? not for myself, but love to for others
D- Drink of Choice? water mostly; diet Pepsi
E- Essential Item? my glasses
F. Foreign language? Yeah, English (pft)
G- Great at anything? compassion
H- Height? 5′ 3.75″
I- Indulgence? chocolate
J- Jealous? minor twinges on occasion
K- Kinks? right here in my neck ….
L- Life — is to be lived
M- Married? no
N- Never — received a speeding ticket
O- Old? depends on who’s asking, doesn’t it?
P- Politics? usually mum
Q- Quit? Smoking May 6th, 1997.
R- Rich? hahahahahaha
S- Seasonings? make mine spicy
T- Television? rarely
U- Unknown Fact about Me? insecure
V- Vegetable I hate? canned green beans
W- Weeds I like? The ones I call flowers.
X- X-Rays? several
Y- Yogurt? yum
Z- Zodiac? Whatever.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. First! Congrats on the 300th post and here’s to many many more my fine feathery friend. 🙂 Fun and informative meme too (btw, I have no idea why, but I took you for being a tall gal).

  2. Brian! How did you sneak in without setting off the early warning system?

    And the difference between an ego and a personality is one of substance. I’d much rather stand on my personality, my ego has taken too many blows, is much less sturdy, and in many places is pure illusion (or delusion).

  3. I was wearing my invisibility cape. 😉

    To hear your family talk about you, you walk on water. In between your daily miracles.

  4. Brian — my family is a highly unrelibale source when it comes to publicly evaluating me. I was not only the youngest, I was a sickly baby. They tend to paint me in pastel hues with a very loving brush.

  5. OC — Since my first day blogging I have only skipped 10 days. 10. Believe me, the “force” was with me long before I made that November pact with Yoda. I was born talking … just ask my family.

  6. Chana — Merry Christmas, hope you and yours are doing well.

    Al — after you.

    Bill — I’ll look forward to reading it.

    Gary — it’s probably a consequence of the height deficency.

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